At that moment, I was glad the asshole who had killed her parents was already dead.

If he wasn’t, I’d be tempted to make sure he never took another breath myself.

After everything that Anna had been through, she hadn’t needed another painful blow like this one.

My only consolation was that I’d been here when she’d gotten that news, and I wasn’t planning on leaving her anytime soon.

Anna was resilient, and she’d eventually get through the shock of Ray being her parents’ murderer, but she was going to need time to absorb the truth.

She locked the door and reset the alarm system because my arms were full, and then I took her upstairs to her bedroom.

I’d familiarized myself with Anna’s home before we’d left for the awards show.

I put her feet on the floor and got her out of that amazing dress and skimpy underwear before I shucked my own clothing. I carried her to the bed, covered both of us and wrapped her up in my arms to warm up her cold body.

She wrapped her arms around my warmer body and got as close to me as she could possibly get.

We stayed like that for a long time.

I wasn’t going to push her to talk.

She had to deal with this in her own way.

“I don’t want to think about this tonight,” she whispered. “It was a good night, and you’re here right now. I want you to know something.”

“What, baby?” I said as I kissed the top of her head.

“I love you. Maybe it’s too soon for me to say those words, but I think life is too short not to say them if they’re in your heart.”

I swallowed hard.

Christ! It was a shitty night for her, but she’d said the words I most wanted to hear from her lips.

“It’s not too soon for me,“ I said, my voice hoarse with emotion from her revelation. “I love you, too, Anna. I think I have almost from the time we met and protecting you became my top priority. I wish I could protect you from this right now.”

“You don’t have to protect me anymore, Kaleb. Just love me. Make love to me. I’ll think about everything else tomorrow.”

Maybe I couldn’t shield her from what she’d discovered tonight, but that I could definitely do.


Three months later, I nervously ran a hand through my hair as we walked down the driveway toward Wyatt and Shelby’s home on the water in San Diego.

“Don’t fuss,” Kaleb said huskily. “You look beautiful.”

I rolled my eyes. “You always say that.”

“Because I’ll always think you’re beautiful, no matter what your hair looks like. And I think they’re probably more nervous about meeting you than you are about meeting them.”

I smiled at the usual response I always got from Kaleb to my comment.

He was utterly predictable sometimes, but I loved his predictability.

My man was strong and steady, and his love for me was always there in his beautiful green eyes.

We’d spent the last three months flying back and forth between Los Angeles and Montana. We hadn’t gone for more than a week without seeing each other because we couldn’t last any longer than that.

I’d been back to Montana twice for a long weekend, but Kaleb usually came to me so we could do some of the things I’d never done in California because I’d always been too busy or on tour.