“That’s the problem,” I said with a sigh. “He’s a billionaire. I’d like to give him something special, too, but he has everything. I decided to put together a video slideshow of the pictures I took in Montana for him. I did a lot of selfies with him, and took a bunch of photos of everyone at the barbecue. I wrote the music to put with the video. It’s not a very exciting gift considering how much he’s given me, but there’s nothing material I can give him that he doesn’t already have.”

“I think that’s a really thoughtful idea,” Kim replied. “I don’t think people with a lot of money care about getting material things. You spent your time and creativeness on that project, just like he spent time and energy making you a table that cost him almost nothing, but it meant everything to you. I’m sure he’s going to love it.”

“I hope so,” I told her. “I should be able to finish it up tomorrow. I’ll email it to him as soon as I’m done.”

“For two people who are so far apart, you think about each other a lot,” Kim observed.

I nodded as she continued to put highlights in my hair.

Kaleb Remington had become a huge part of my life.

It was absolutely impossible not to think about him when he was so damn far away.


I’d played the video that Anna had sent me more times than I wanted to admit.

All I could think about when I’d played it over and over again was how much she must have put into it…for me.

I’d recognized the fact that the music was Anna’s almost immediately. I recognized her style and the way she played the piano now.

That damn video was the only thing that had gotten me through that last day before I finally saw Anna’s beautiful face again in person.

She’d picked me up at the airport Friday evening, and we’d spent the night making up for lost time before we’d gone to the awards show the next day.

The event had been pretentious except for the parts where Anna had won her well-deserved awards and had performed magically.

“Do you always get sick like that before you perform?” I asked her as we were headed back to her home in a limousine.

I’d been with her in her dressing room before her performance, where she’d changed from the gorgeous dress she’d been wearing into a stage costume.

I’d been alarmed when she’d promptly vomited her guts out before going on stage, and it had scared the hell out of me.

She’d treated the whole episode like it was normal and had blown it off as nerves. She’d simply brushed her teeth, fixed anything that was disheveled, and gone out on stage.

“Always,” she confessed. “I told you that I have terrible stage fright. I always get sick right before a performance.”

Fuck! No wonder she hated performing live in front of large crowds.

If I had to get violently sick like that all the time, I would have quit a long time ago.

“You were amazing. Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?”

She was breathtaking.

Anna had decided not to change her hair back to the old Annelise style, and I was secretly happy that she hadn’t.

She still looked like Anna, but she’d performed like Annelise.

While I loved the formfitting red dress she was wearing, I’d wanted to punch every guy who had looked at her like they were fantasizing about fucking her.

There had been many of those men throughout the night.

Christ! I knew that was something I was going to have to get used to because I was with Annelise, but it made me totally insane.

My only consolation was that Anna didn’t seem to notice that other men were staring at her like they wanted to get her naked.

She was apparently so used to it that it didn’t even affect her anymore.