I should be supporting her, but I was feeling sorry for myself.
“I’ll miss you horribly,” she said with a long sigh. “But at least I’ll see you on Friday.”
“I’ll miss you, too,” I said hoarsely. “You do realize that I want you to come back. As often as possible. Just say the word and my jet will be there to pick you up. I don’t want you taking charters. Some of them don’t maintenance their planes that well.”
She smiled up at me. “Should I put your pilot on speed dial?”
“Yes,” I said seriously.
I put my beer down on a side table and wrapped my arms around her waist.
I didn’t give a damn who was watching us.
Everyone was going to know exactly how I felt about Anna at some point.
“Will you stay with me when you come for the awards show?” she asked.
I’d definitely planned on it. I wanted as much time with her as possible, and I wanted to see her home in California.
I chuckled. “I don’t know. Is that an official invitation?”
She slapped my shoulder playfully. “Yes. You’re always as welcome in my home as I am in yours.”
I lowered my head and kissed her.
It was impossible for me to be this close to Anna and not kiss her.
I heard a cough behind Anna, and then my mother said, “I really hate to interrupt.”
No, she didn’t.
She actually loved to interrupt.
I ended the kiss without it being abrupt.
I wasn’t a teenaged boy anymore who’d just got caught making out with the girl next door.
“Neither one of you have eaten a thing,” my mother said as she shoved two plates toward us. “I made you both a plate.”
Anna quickly disentangled us and reached for the plate. “Thank you, Millie. I’m starving.”
The plates were loaded high with ribs, a burger, potato salad, and mac and cheese.
I took the other plate, a little annoyed that I’d had to let Anna go to do it.
“Do you have everything packed?” my mother asked Anna.
Anna nodded. “I really didn’t bring much, so there wasn’t much to pack. I was only supposed to be in Montana for a few days. If I could fit Bella in my suitcase, I probably would. I’ll miss her.”
“Then I guess you’ll have to come home often to ride her,” my mother replied. “I’m going to miss you terribly, Anna.”
Anna put her arm around my mother. “I’ll miss you, too. I promise that I’ll be here as much as possible. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me.”
A tear leaked from Mom’s eye, and it made my gut ache.
It killed me to see my mother cry.
I cringed when Anna followed suit and a tear plopped onto her cheek, too.