Hell, I’d probably gone head over heels for Anna in the very beginning, but I’d just recently admitted to myself that I loved her. Right after I’d lost my shit in the kitchen because I’d been terrified that something bad had happened to her.
I was fairly certain that I was destined to meet Anna and fall in love with her, and I didn’t fucking believe in fate.
At all.
“That would be interesting,” I commented to Silas. “She lives in California, and I live in Montana.”
I wasn’t about to tell Silas that I was in love with Anna.
He could keep a secret, but he’d hound me about marrying her forever.
I didn’t really want to share the way I felt about Anna with anyone yet.
“That’s just geography, boy,” Silas said, disgusted. “Love isn’t always perfect.”
I was relieved when Anna strode up to us, looking gorgeous in a pretty sundress she’d bought in town.
I was almost jealous when she gave Silas a very genuine, enthusiastic hug.
“I was looking for you, Silas,” she told the older man. “I wanted to thank you for all those coffees you made me, and the occasional advice.”
Silas gave advice every minute of the day.
But it was obvious that Anna adored Silas, and the feelings were mutual.
Honestly, when Silas wasn’t giving unwanted advice, he was a hard man not to like.
He gave a shit about the town of Crystal Fork and most of the people in it.
I wasn’t surprised that Silas had gotten so attached to Anna.
Everyone in this town loved Anna.
Silas beamed at Anna. “When are you coming back to see me?”
Anna shot me a questioning look. “As soon as I’m invited back,” she said teasingly.
“I’m inviting you back now,” Silas said adamantly. “You’re more than welcome to stay with me anytime.”
“If Anna comes back, she’ll be staying with me,” I informed Silas. “And she knows that my place is already her second home.”
Okay, so maybe I’d never directly told her that I wanted her to come back to Montana as often as possible, but I’d make sure she knew that by the time she left.
Really, she should already know that. I had told her that she could come to Montana whenever she could break free, but I wasn’t leaving anything to chance.
“Can I consider that my official invitation?” Anna joked.
“Yes,” I replied cantankerously.
Someone called Silas’s name, and he wandered off.
Anna came to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. “I feel the same way you do,” she said softly. “This isn’t easy for me, either.”
“Fuck! I’m sorry,” I said with genuine remorse.