If I said something, it was going to be words that I’d probably want to take back later.

Anna shot me a puzzled look as she removed Bella’s bridle and put it away while I tended to the saddle.

“Kaleb?” she said in a hesitant voice as she watched me rub down her horse.

“Don’t, Anna,” I said roughly. “Not right now. You scared the shit out of me when I got home and you were gone without letting me know where you went. Give me a little space right now.”

I was being a total dick.

I knew it, but I couldn’t stop myself right now.

Anna wasn’t a normal female, and it was possible that she was a target of a murderer.

“I’m sorry,” she murmured as she turned around and headed toward the house without another word.

I’d asked her to give me some space, and she’d done exactly what I wanted.

I couldn’t talk about her disappearing act right now, especially not in this barn where I had so many bad memories of coming here and finding Shelby gone without a trace.

I took my time getting Bella back in her stall and tending to the horse’s needs before I headed for the house.

My mind was still racing with all of the things that could have happened to Anna when I entered through the kitchen door and saw her putting away the clean dishes in the dishwasher.

She turned her head to look at me. “Feeling better?” she asked cautiously.

Hell, she was probably afraid of what I was going to say, and I hated that guarded look on her face.

“No,” I answered bluntly as I approached her.

She closed the dishwasher and faced me without a single bit of fear in her eyes.

If I had to name the look in her eyes, I’d say it was deep concern.

“I should have texted you where I was going,” she said calmly. “If I wasn’t going to text you earlier, then I should have been back before you got home. That was my plan, but I ran into Lauren at the river and we started talking. Time got away from me. I’m used to being alone and not having anyone who worries about me. When you went to the barn, you probably had flashbacks of what happened when Shelby was kidnapped.”

I crowded her against the counter. “Yes and no,” I said in an agitated tone.

Yes, I had thought about what had happened to Shelby, but this time, my concern was all about Anna.

She entwined her arms around my neck. “I’m fine, Kaleb. Nothing happened.”

She put a hand on the back of my head and pulled me down to kiss me.

It was like she knew exactly what I needed, and I kissed her like the desperate man I was right now.

When we finally came up for air, she calmly slipped out of the shorts she was wearing and her panties, and then undid my suit pants until she had her hand wrapped around my extremely hard cock.

Even though I was agitated, there would probably never be a time that I wouldn’t get hard when I saw Anna stripping off her clothes.

She pulled me down to kiss me again without another word, hopped up to wrap her legs around my hips, and ground against me.

At that moment, I completely snapped.

I surged inside her slick, tight heat, my heart thumping against my chest wall with all the adrenaline that had built up inside my body. I gripped her beautiful ass, moved to the wall of the kitchen, and fucked her like a madman who had just lost any sense of sanity.

It was rough and completely devoid of anything blatantly sexual.

The carnal act was more about reaffirming that Anna was mine and that she was safe, healthy, and here…with me.