In fact, he’d always seemed settled, until he wasn’t.

I was grateful that he hadn’t married the woman who had eventually dumped him, but I hated the fact that it had hurt him for so long after it was over.

“I’m starving. Do you want to grab lunch?” Devon asked in a remorseful tone.

He was obviously sorry that he’d mentioned the whole subject of Tanner getting married and having kids.

“I’m good,” I told my brothers as they got up to go find lunch. “I’ll probably take off soon. Anna should be done with her calls by early afternoon.”

Tanner shot me a knowing look. “I assume that we might not see you until Sunday.”

“Maybe not,” I informed him. “But I cleared any work that I had to get done earlier. I don’t have anything active right now.”

I’d planned it that way. I wasn’t taking on any new acquisitions until after Anna was gone.

Tanner nodded as he said simply, “That’s good. We’d prefer it if we didn’t see you until Sunday, and I guarantee Mom will be ecstatic.”

He shot me a rare grin before he followed Devon out the door and closed it behind him.


I tossed my book aside and reached for the thermos of coffee I’d brought with me down to the river.

I’d finished my phone meetings early, and it had been way too nice of a day to eat lunch inside.

My first thought had been to come here to the river, so I’d ridden down here with Bella to enjoy some time outdoors.

I was free to roam wherever I wanted for another week, and I didn’t want to waste a moment of that freedom.

After pouring some coffee into my mug, I took a deep breath and just absorbed the serenity of this particular location.

The mesmerizing sound of the river nearly put me into a daze.

I was tired because I wasn’t getting much sleep, but I wasn’t about to complain about Kaleb’s voracious sexual appetite because I always wanted him as much as he wanted me.

It had been a magical week for me, and it wasn’t all about the sex.

Kaleb and I were close in a very different way. We were still friends, but our relationship had shifted now that we were lovers, too.

The intimacy I’d craved for so long was a reality, and it was better than I’d ever imagined it could be.

I was totally open and vulnerable with Kaleb in ways that I hadn’t been before, and it satisfied the painful ache I’d experienced every time I’d looked at him in the past.

I was at peace with myself and the world, although it would take me a long time to get past missing my parents horribly. In some ways, I might never get over losing them, but I knew I’d be able to move on with my life even if that pain never completely went away.

I wished I could find a little bit of closure about their murders, but the investigation was still ongoing.

I wanted to know who had killed my parents and why it had happened.

It was going to be difficult if it stayed a mystery forever.

I wanted to get justice for my parents. It wouldn’t bring them back to me, but I’d feel like someone was being held responsible for what they’d done to my mom and dad.

This morning, I’d been hopeful that the feds would give me some information about the shell company on our call, but they’d only wanted a phone interview to discuss some of the people in my parents’ lives.

There was no resolution there, either, but I got the feeling they might be making some kind of headway if they were asking for more personal information about my parents.

“Excuse me,” a female voice said quietly from behind me. “I don’t want to interrupt, but would you mind if I joined you?”