He rolled me onto my back, and covered my body with his. “Do you really think I give a rat’s ass what time it is? You’re here. In my fucking bed. And I can finally touch you. Do you have any idea how torturous it was for me to sleep in the same bed at the cabin? It nearly killed me not to touch you, woman. But we need to get a few things straight.”
God, I’d felt the same way at the cabin, but now that I knew Kaleb, it was so much more difficult not to touch him.
My emotions were everywhere, and I wasn’t capable of compartmentalizing those feelings like I’d done at the cabin anymore.
“Like?” I prompted.
“Like the fact that I have to let you go back to California because your work life is there, but you’ll have to accept that I’m going to worry, and I’m going to try to protect you. We’re also going to see each other as much as possible. I’ll come to California, and you can come here whenever you can break free. Once you’ve spent the night in my bed, you’re also going to have to deal with being mine. I’ve discovered that I’m a greedy bastard when it comes to you, and I won’t share. As long as we’re together, there’s only going to be you for me, Anna. I have to know that there’s only going to be me for you, too.”
My heart tripped at his words.
He wanted an exclusive relationship, and I was so elated that I almost wanted to cry.
I could never share him, either.
Seriously, like there could ever be another guy for me when I had exactly what I wanted and needed with Kaleb Remington?
“I’m going to be thirty-six years old this year, Kaleb,” I informed him, my heart beating erratically. “I’ve never wanted a man the way I want you. Do you really think any other guy would exist for me when I’m with you?”
“Good,” he said in an impatient voice. “Now that we’ve gotten those conditions straight, I’m about done with this conversation. I’ve waited way too fucking long to be in this position, and I don’t want to waste the time that I still have to be with you.”
I actually giggled as he sat up with me and started to peel off my sleep shirt.
That was so Kaleb. He’d been direct and succinct, and then the entire conversation was over with and done pretty quickly.
I was onboard with that.
For now, Kaleb Remington was mine, and I didn’t want to waste time talking about something we didn’t really need to hash out.
Right now, all I wanted to do was feel Kaleb.
I desperately needed to be skin-to-skin with his enormous body.
I helped him shed my pajamas and panties as quickly as possible, and then let out a startled gasp as he pulled me into him again and realized he was already completely naked.
Bliss rolled over my entire body as our bodies met with nothing between the two of us.
“I sleep in the raw sometimes because I sleep hot,” he mentioned in a low, sexy drawl right next to my ear.
He’d always slept in sweatpants at the cabin, but he’d obviously done that for me.
“I have absolutely no issue with that,” I squeaked as he nipped my earlobe.
“Relax, sweetheart,” he told me as he lowered our upper bodies to the bed without breaking our skin-to-skin contact. “You feel tense, and not in a good way.”
“I think…” I said breathlessly. “I think I’m as nervous as a virgin, and I’m definitely not a virgin. It’s just been a long time for me.”
My emotions were running rampant, and I felt as raw and as vulnerable as I’d ever felt before.
“How long?” he asked in a calming tone.
“Eight years,” I blurted out. “I told you that I’d stopped looking for Mr. Right. I didn’t want to have sex with anyone just to get laid. I can give myself an orgasm if I need one.”
“Fuck! I’d like to see that someday,” he said in a low, aroused voice. “Do you trust me, Anna?”
“You know I do,” I told him earnestly. “But I’m not all that sexually experienced. I know that might be a little surprising to you. I am Annelise, and she radiates sexuality. I—”
“Stop!” Kaleb said gruffly. “I don’t want Annelise in my bed. I just want…you.”