I could live with that as long as she was in my life.
There would be times when I’d be consumed with work, too.
Shit happened.
Deals had to be troubleshooted sometimes when they were in danger of falling through.
I worked for nearly an hour on the table that I was making for Anna to put in the music room.
I was determined that my home was going to become a second home for her, a place for her to come back to whenever she needed some peace.
I ran my hand over the surface I’d just sanded down. I realized that my life was going to be extremely complicated now that Anna was a huge part of it.
I grinned as I put my woodworking tools away.
In a short period of time, Anna Kendrick had turned my very controlled world upside down.
Maybe I’d avoided complicated relationships in the past, but now, I was actually looking forward to it.
It was well after one in the morning by the time I exited the music room.
It had been a marathon meeting because I’d wanted to wrap up all of the details with the awards show so I could spend as much time with Kaleb as possible before I had to leave.
I was doing a familiar routine for the performance, one I could almost do in my sleep because I’d performed the same number over and over again while I was on tour.
However, there had still been a lot of details to go over with the organizers to make sure everything would be set up like I needed it to be.
I stretched my back out before I wandered the lower level of the house, looking to see if Kaleb was still awake.
Most likely, he wasn’t.
Tomorrow was Monday, and he had to get up early.
When I didn’t see or hear him in any of the rooms, I figured he’d headed upstairs.
I would have done the same.
I’d went into the meeting hours ago, and he’d had no idea when I’d be surfacing again.
I turned off the lights downstairs and headed up to my room, noticing that Kaleb’s bedroom door was closed and there was no illumination coming from under the door as I passed his bedroom.
My heart ached as I realized I had missed the opportunity to spend the evening with him.
Yeah, my marathon meeting had been necessary, but I was still disappointed.
After our interlude at the river today, I was extremely restless.
We’d discussed sex openly for the first time, and I’d let him know that I hadn’t been with anyone for a long time, but that I was on birth control and clean of any sexual diseases.
He’d told me the same thing.
That sex talk that most intimate couples had was a lot more natural than it had ever been previously for me.
Maybe because he was also my friend, and we could say almost anything to each other.
Eventually, Kaleb had fished for a while, and I’d tried to read my book, but my mind kept wandering to more carnal places, and all I’d really done was watch…him.