“Cut the crap with us,” Tanner insisted. “We already know how you feel about her.”

“She’s going home to California in a few weeks,” I shared. “She has commitments.”

Tanner shrugged. “And you have a private jet that can cover that distance in a very short period of time. You said you were getting your priorities straight, and let’s face it, she’s a big priority in your life now. And there’s nothing wrong with that. If you really want her in your life after she leaves, you have the means to make it happen.”

“It’s not going to happen,” I said irritably.

“So you’re just going to give up on Anna?” Devon questioned.

“I think if I found a woman like her, I’d move mountains to keep her,” Tanner added. “Even if it had to be a long distance relationship.”

“I have no idea what I’m going to do,” I said, frustrated. “Hell, I don’t even know if she wants to keep in touch after she leaves. She’s never mentioned it, and we haven’t really discussed it.”

“For fuck’s sake, Kaleb, open your eyes,” Tanner said in a disgusted voice. “It’s obvious that she cares about you, too.”

“We met under bad and unusual circumstances for her,” I reminded him. “This has never been a normal relationship. She needed me. I was there for her. Things are going to change. She’s feeling a lot stronger now.”

Yeah, Anna and I were physically attracted to each other, but I wasn’t sure that was going to last for her, either.

Once she got back to Los Angeles, she’d have men trampling each other to get next to her again.

“You’re happier than I’ve ever seen you when you two are together,” Tanner said. “No offense, bro, but I think you needed her, too, and I don’t think that’s temporary.”

I didn’t argue with him.

He was right.

I’d needed Anna as much as she’d needed me.

She’d given as much to me as she’d taken from me.

Unfortunately for me, in my case, I already knew that the way I felt about Anna was definitely not temporary.


“These drinks are really good,” Anna said cheerfully as we sat at The Mug And Jug. “It’s hard to believe that they really have that much alcohol.”

The two of us had to speak loudly to be heard over the music.

I shot her a concerned look from across the small table. “Take it easy on those MJ sluggers. Believe me, they are packed with alcohol, and almost no cola.”

She licked her gorgeous lips after taking another sip. “They taste pretty harmless. I like them.”

I chuckled. “You aren’t going to like them when you wake up tomorrow with a gigantic hangover.”

She was on her second one, and the MJ slugger, a Mug And Jug specialty, was notorious for putting grown men under the table.

It was similar to an alcoholic iced tea with rum, tequila, vodka, gin, triple sec, and a tiny dash of cola. The taste was deceiving because of the syrup they added.

The glass they used for the specialty cocktail was enormous, so it actually was a very large amount of alcohol in one drink.

I’d warned her about the alcohol content several times before she’d ordered the first one.

Luckily, she’d filled her belly with food at Charlie’s.

Anna wasn’t a big drinker. She’d drink a beer or a glass of wine, but she usually preferred her coffee the majority of the time.

She wasn’t accustomed to a lot of hard alcohol, but she’d heard about the slugger from Silas and people around town, and had wanted to try it.