After spending time with him in nothing but casual clothing, his business look was a little startling, but definitely not unattractive.
He was a man of many personas, and I adored all of them.
They were all Kaleb, and unfortunately for me, all of those different personalities were compelling.
The man was drop-dead gorgeous, whether he was casually dressed for the wilderness or in a custom suit.
Some people might say that he was ruggedly handsome, which was apparently an aphrodisiac for me.
I was constantly surrounded by good looking men in LA, but I’d never wanted to rip their clothes off the moment I saw them and explore every inch of their bodies.
I was incredibly drawn to Kaleb for some inexplicable reason, and it wasn’t the sort of attraction I could just blow off.
And God knew that I’d tried.
“I used to come here a lot to fish when I was younger,” Kaleb mentioned casually. “My dad was buddies with the old owner. When the acreage came up for sale because the owner was moving to a warmer climate to retire, I was able to buy it to add onto my existing acreage.”
We’d ridden a lot of Kaleb’s property, and it was expansive. “You don’t fish here anymore?”
He shook his head. “Only a couple of times since I’ve owned it. I don’t have a lot of time for hobbies.”
“I think you should make time,” I teased as I walked down the riverbank. “If I owned this place, I’d be here all the time. It’s so peaceful.”
“Be careful,” Kaleb cautioned gruffly as he followed me. “In those sneakers you’re wearing the bank is going to be slick. It’s wet out here after the recent snowfall.”
Immediately after those words left his mouth, my feet landed on a slippery portion of the bank, and I felt them start to slide. I waved my arms, trying to steady myself, but it was a losing battle.
I let out a panicked squeak as I realized I was about to fall.
Strong arms wrapped around my waist, and I was hauled against Kaleb’s massive body before I could topple into the water.
His laugh was warm and deep as he nudged me to a dry spot against a large tree.
“I told you it was slick,” he said with a grin as he caged me against the tree like he was trying to keep me safe.
I smiled up at him, but I was still a little rattled from nearly landing in the very frigid water of the river.
“That was close,” I said breathlessly.
In a more serious tone, he answered, “I would have never let you fall, Anna. I had your back. I know what it’s like out here this time of year.”
My body relaxed.
I wasn’t used to someone watching out for me anymore. Not since my parents had died, and never this up close and personal.
I’d had a few brief relationships, but nothing like the closeness I felt whenever I was with Kaleb.
He made me feel both giddy with happiness and entirely safe at the same time.
My heart tripped as I felt the warmth of his breath on my face as he leaned closer.
“Are you okay, Anna?” he asked as his gaze caught mine.
No, I wasn’t really feeling okay at the moment.
The heat of Kaleb’s massive body was getting to me, and I wanted him so much I could hardly breathe.
The warmth and concern in his gorgeous green eyes nearly crushed me.