“I wouldn’t want you to lie to your mother for me anyway,” Anna said adamantly. “I’ll tell her the truth.”

We talked a little longer about the specifics of Anna’s new identity, and then my brothers said they needed to leave.

“I’ll walk you out,” I told Devon and Tanner as we headed for the front door.

Anna waved at my brothers and thanked them profusely for helping her, but stayed behind in the kitchen.

As soon as we hit the living room, Tanner mumbled in a low voice, “Nobody is going to believe that you’re not attracted to her as something other than a friend.”

“Agreed,” Devon added. “You look at her like you can’t wait to get her naked, and you have to tone down that protective instinct. You said that you aren’t dating, but I’ve never seen you look at a woman like you’d rip the head off anyone who touches her.”

I looked at Tanner for verification.

“He’s right,” Tanner confirmed, and then released a long breath. “Maybe we only notice it because we’re family, but you need to loosen up, brother. Otherwise, you’ll never be able to convince people that you’re just friends and colleagues.”

I wasn’t going to bullshit my brothers. It would never work. We were way too tight. “I can’t help it. She’s been through a lot. I want to help her, and I feel like someone should protect her. No one else has stepped up to the plate for her.”

“It’s more than that,” Devon said. “You’re attracted to her. Not that I blame you. Are you sure there isn’t more to this story than you’re telling us right now? You were with Annelise in a remote cabin. That’s a lot of temptation for a guy to handle. She’s also really nice.”

“No, there’s nothing more,” I said tightly. “Everything she told you is true, and she’s not interested in me that way.”

“Unrequited lust must really suck. Not that I’ve ever experienced it myself,” Devon said jokingly.

Tanner smacked Devon on the back of his head. “Don’t be an asshole, Devon.” Then he turned to me. “You okay with all of this?”

I shrugged. “I have to be. The alternative is letting her go back to California when she really needs to escape for a while, and that’s not an option for me.”

“I get it,” Tanner said as he pushed Devon out the front door. “She’s an easy woman to like, but I’m not totally convinced the attraction isn’t mutual.”

“I am,” I muttered. Anna had never given me a single reason to think that she wanted more than a friendship. “If you talk to Mom, tell her I’ll stop by tomorrow night.”

Tanner nodded and left after shooting me an unsettled glance.

I closed the door behind him and headed back toward the kitchen.

My brothers both liked Anna, but I knew that Tanner was concerned that I might be getting in over my head with this situation.

Hell, maybe he was right, but I’d happily dive off the deep end if necessary if it meant that Anna was safe and happy.


“It’s beautiful here,” I told Kaleb with a happy sigh the following afternoon.

We’d ridden Kaleb’s horses to the small river that ran through his property, where we’d dismounted to admire the views.

As promised, he’d hooked me up with the perfect horse, an Arabian bay colored mare that he called Bella because her registered name was much too complicated. It had been a long time since I’d been on a horse, but she was so well-mannered and sweet that it really didn’t matter.

It was late afternoon, and the scene in front of us was like something out of one of his mother’s paintings.

We had a perfect view of the mountains, and the stream was swelled and running swiftly from the snow melt.

The weather had changed completely, and it now felt like spring in Montana. I’d brought my jacket, but I hadn’t needed it with the sweatshirt and jeans that I was currently wearing.

Kaleb had gone to Billings earlier in the day to finish some work, and I’d scoped out his incredible house, starting with the music room on the main floor.

It was equipped with a grand piano that was a joy to play, several guitars, and multiple other musical instruments that he likely didn’t play. It was decorated in soothing colors that had made me relax enough to do a little writing.

Kaleb had been home by early afternoon, still dressed in a custom suit that had taken my breath away.