Devon gave her one of his charming smiles that only showed up when he was trying to get someone to do what he wanted them to do. Or…when he found a woman extremely attractive.
The little bastard!
He really needed to back off.
Even though Anna and I weren’t a couple, there was no way I could watch my youngest brother try to charm her out of her panties.
Not. Happening.
“I didn’t recognize you until Devon said something,” Tanner said remorsefully. “You look different...”
Tanner’s voice trailed off, probably because he didn’t know what to say without sounding rude.
“Without all that blonde hair,” Devon chimed in. “Why exactly did you say you were in Crystal Fork?”
“She didn’t, and it’s none of your business,” I growled. “Anna is my guest. She’s here to get some rest and relaxation. Don’t tell anyone that she’s here.”
“I’ve heard some rumors that she’s gone MIA from Los Angeles,” Devon mused.
“How did you hear that?” Anna asked with a startled look on her face.
I shot my youngest brother an annoyed look.
“What?” he said in a pseudo innocent tone. “One of our subsidiaries is a record label. I have friends there. I hear things sometimes. I think her agent has been frantically searching for her.”
The recording company was Devon’s project pick, so he did handle most of the necessary business for that company. He liked keeping up on what was happening in the music scene.
“So now everyone knows I left the city without telling anyone?” Anna asked with a resigned sigh.
“Probably not everybody,” Devon said, probably backpedaling because Anna looked so forlorn. “But he’s been finding people you know to see if they know where you are.”
“Fuck!” I cursed. “You’d think that an agent who is also supposed to be a friend would give her some damn space and keep his mouth shut.”
Anna was his client. He should be discreet and not be causing any speculation for her sake. She had called him. Her agent knew she wasn’t in danger. She didn’t have any appearances scheduled right now. Why in the hell was he so determined to find her?
“Why?” Devon asked. “Why did you change your appearance and leave? Are you in trouble with the law or something?”
“Devon,” Tanner said in a warning voice. “Leave it alone.”
My middle brother was always the voice of reason.
I was the hothead sometimes.
And Devon was the irritating little brother without a filter.
“No,” Anna said as she shook her head.
“Anna,” I said firmly, trying to let her know that she didn’t owe anyone an explanation.
She held up a hand. “It’s okay. They’re your brothers. I have no problem sharing some of why I’m here.”
I listened irritably as she shared what she wanted my brothers to know.
Like how she tried to break into the cabin to avoid freezing to death.
Her parents’ deaths six months ago.
Her need to get away for a while and not have to deal with the press.