“Shit!” Kaleb cursed. “They probably heard the helicopter.”
“You here?” another low, male voice inquired insistently. “It’s about time you got your ass back home.”
“My brothers,” he said, sounding resigned. “Unfortunately, they have a key that I’m going to have to confiscate immediately.”
I smiled. “It’s okay. I wish I was a little better dressed to meet your family, but I’m excited to meet them. I’m curious to see if they’re as handsome as you are.”
“They aren’t,” he grumbled.
I stood and smoothed down my hair.
I was in a ratty pair of jeans that had seen better days, and a red T-shirt that had shrunk one too many times in the dryer.
When I was home, it was the way I always dressed. And I’d planned on being alone in the wilderness. Almost every clothing item I had with me was comfortable, staying-at-home clothes with the exception of one casual dress that I’d thrown into my suitcase at the last minute. I wasn’t used to leaving home without something I could wear in public if needed.
Kaleb stood and grabbed my hand that was messing with my hair. “Don’t fuss. You look beautiful, and they’re idiots.”
Two very large men came into the kitchen bickering back and forth about something that was incomprehensible.
I had my answer to my question about whether or not they were as handsome as Kaleb almost immediately.
Maybe they weren’t quite as handsome as Kaleb, but they were still ridiculously gorgeous.
One of them had beautiful, black hair, and the other sported a shade of brown that was a little darker than Kaleb’s.
God, it really should be impossible for three brothers in one family to all be this good-looking.
Both of them halted and immediately stopped griping to each other as they saw Kaleb and me standing in the kitchen.
The silence in the room was a little unnerving as they surveyed me and tried to figure out what was going on.
Obviously, Kaleb didn’t have female visitors often because they looked…perplexed.
The brother with black hair finally stepped forward, tilted his head, and stared to the point of rudeness before he finally spoke. “We didn’t know that you had company, bro. How in the hell did you meet Annelise, and why is she here in Crystal Fork?”
Fuck! I probably should have anticipated that Devon would immediately recognize Annelise.
He was the musician in the family, and he loved almost all types of music. Most likely, he’d seen all of her music videos a million times.
He also never forgot a face.
It had taken him a moment, but he’d figured out her identity fairly quickly.
On the other hand, Tanner still looked confused.
Probably because, like me, he wasn’t that into the pop charts or the music scene.
“Anna,” I said as I silently cursed Devon for not taking his eyes off her. “These are my brothers, Tanner and Devon.” I pointed to each one of them as I said their names so there was no confusion about who was who.
Devon, my youngest brother, had jet black hair, so she was unlikely to confuse the two in the future.
She stepped forward and offered her hand. “It’s nice to meet both of you. I’m Annelise Kendrick, but I’d really like it if you’d call me Anna.”
One big smile from Anna, and she had my brothers eating out of her hand.
Tanner grinned back at her and shook her hand.