Probably the last thing I needed was an intimate relationship to mess with my head right now, but I wouldn’t really have to worry about that since Kaleb wasn’t attracted to me that way.

I definitely wanted to spend more time with him, but did I dare? And would he still even want me to come with him once he realized the truth about my identity?

“It would definitely be complicated,” I warned him again.

“How complicated can it be?” he asked, his tone unconcerned.

Oh, hell, he had no idea.

“So are you going to tell me how you know M. Remington?” I asked curiously.

I was going to tell Kaleb everything shortly, but I was dying to know how he was connected to my favorite artist.

“What do you know about her?” he questioned.

“Not much, unfortunately,” I told him. “She’s pretty private, so there isn’t a lot of personal details out there about her life. I did read somewhere a long time ago that she was married to a rancher here in Montana, and I think that very brief bio said that she has three insanely rich sons.”

“She does,” he acknowledged.

“So tell me how you know her,” I insisted. “Does she live somewhere near Crystal Fork?”

“She lives in Crystal Fork,” he corrected. “What you read was correct. She still lives on that ranch outside of town.”

“So you probably know her well,” I said with a sigh.

“I know her very well. Millie Remington is my mother, Anna, and I’m one of those insanely rich sons.”


I wasn’t certain whether the shock on her face was a good thing or a bad thing.

Hell, maybe that hadn’t been the right way to tell her that Millie Remington was my mother, but I thought it might be better if I just got it over with and done.

If she was going to come to Crystal Fork with me, she’d have to know the truth, and I was done with being anonymous. I needed her to trust me completely so she’d come back to Crystal Fork with me.

I wanted her to know everything now. We’d reached the point where it was hard to keep dancing around the details of our lives.

Yeah, I knew we could never be anything but friends, but I still wanted to be there for her. I’d come to value that friendship and our connection, and her well-being was more important than my desire to fuck her senseless.

Anna was far from being a helpless woman, but she was in a period of her life when she needed someone she could trust in a relaxed environment.

Maybe after she’d worked through her grief and confusion, I’d feel a lot less uneasy about watching her go back to Los Angeles.

I’d feel like I was throwing her to the wolves if she went back to California alone at the moment.

She wasn’t ready.

She might talk like she had it all together most of the time, but she didn’t need to be alone in a big city with a ton of pressure on her. Not when she could stay with me until she was ready.

“What?” she finally squeaked. “She’s…your mother?”

I wasn’t sure whether I was glad or insulted that she’d never even given my insanely rich status a second thought. She seemed much more impressed I was related to M. Remington.

I nodded. “My full name is Kaleb Remington. My brothers and I own a company called KTD Remington. It’s the largest privately owned holding company in America.”

She raised an eyebrow teasingly. “So, I guess that makes you kind of a big deal, huh?”

I chuckled. “Some people think so.”