Page 90 of Is This Love?

“So, the marrying best friends part was a perk.” She laughs. “We’re still missing a piece of the puzzle. Have you all talked about kids?”

“A little. Nothing like when we want to start trying, just that we both want them.”

“When do you want to start trying?”

“Soon, I think. We have this huge house to fill, and really, not having room would have been an issue, but that’s taken care of.”

“How are you all settling into the house?”

“There’s so much space.”

She laughs as the guys step into the room. “There you are. We thought we were going to have to send a search party,” she teases.

“We’re done,” Maddox tells us.

“What were you doing down there?” I ask.

“I have a surprise for you.” Lachlan clears his throat loudly, and Legend rolls his eyes and laughs. “Fine. We have a surprise for you.”

“Much better.” Lachlan nods.

“What is it?” I ask.

“Come with me.”

“But Lilly bug is comfy.”

“You’re a baby hog, anyway.” Forrest sits on the couch next to me, and I sigh as I hand over the precious baby girl.

“Y’all just need to have your own,” Roman grumbles, sitting on the love seat next to his wife.

“We’re working on it.” Legend winks.

He’s not lying, but he’s also not telling the truth. We’ve mentioned it but made no plans, and I’m still taking my birth control. I take his hand, and he leads me downstairs to the basement.

“Okay, if there is anything that you don’t like, we can change it. I copied Emerson’s with Roman’s help.”

“What?” I ask as he walks over and opens the door for one of the basement bedrooms. He turns on the light and we walk inside. “Oh, my word. Legend? You made me a scrapbook room?”

“Yes, and you even have a little reading nook over there in the corner. I figured if I was getting a man cave with a pool table and poker table, you deserved a little slice of space just for you as well.”

“I thought you were working on the man cave?”

“I know. And I will, but I wanted to do this for you first.”

“Husband of the year. I can’t believe you did all of this.” I take in the cabinets, the large table, and the lighting. He even set up my supplies.

“I wasn’t sure how you wanted everything organized, but you have plenty of space to move everything around and add as much as you want.”

I turn, and he’s standing right there. I wrap my arms around him, holding on as tightly as I can. “I love this. I love you so much. Not because of the things you do for me but because you want to do them. You’ve given me so much of you that I’m not sure I know where you end and I begin.”

“We don’t. We’re one. There is no you and me, baby. There is only us.”

“Is it wrong that our friends are upstairs, and I kinda want to christen my new scrapbook room?”

His head falls back in laughter. “Not at all. If that’s what you want, I’ll make it happen.” He wags his eyebrows.

“Let’s table that. I need to show Emerson.” I let go of him and rush out the door until I reach the bottom of the steps. “Emerson!” I call up. I wince because I forgot Lilly was sleeping.