Page 72 of Is This Love?

“Something smells good.”

He glances at me over his shoulder. “Hope you’re hungry.”

“What are we having?”

“Baked steak, mashed potatoes, and corn casserole.”

“My mouth is watering.”

He laughs, but I’m not joking. It smells incredible, and I’m starving.

“How was your day?”

“Good. Long.” I don’t tell him that I didn’t sleep well because I couldn’t stop thinking about him and us and how time seems to be passing us by in the blink of an eye. This year is going to be over before we know it, and I’m not ready for that. Most nights, I can turn it off, but last night, I just couldn’t stop thinking about how my life will be without sleeping next to him every night. I’m already addicted.

“Thank you for the flowers. They’re beautiful. Did you have a good day?”

“You already thanked me, baby. It wasn’t too bad. I started a sleeve for a new client. It’s a tribute to his late wife. He’s adding bits and pieces of memories and things they loved together.”

“Aw, really? I love that so much. Will you take a picture for me when it’s done?” Legend is crazy talented, and I’m proud of him for how hard he works. Hell, I’m proud of all of the guys. They’ve built their business from the ground up and made a reputation for themselves. I can’t wait to see how they grow once they get their new facility.

“You know I will. I keep pictures of all of my work.”

“Thank you for making dinner. What can I do to help?”

“You can set your gorgeous self at the table. There’s a bottle of wine already there. Pour us each a glass while I make our plates.”

“You’re spoiling me, Legend Raines.”

He looks up, his eyes soft. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

He goes back to dishing up our food and has no idea that he just made my belly flutter. I’ve come to realize that I enjoy all sides of this man. The happy, fun, flirty side, the sweet, caring side, and his dirty-talking side when we’re in bed together. Basically, I’ll take Legend any way I can get him.

Shaking out of my thoughts, I move to the small dining room table in the kitchen and pour both of us a glass of wine. “More roses?” I eye the bouquet in the center of the table. These look exactly like the dozen that were delivered to my work today, which are now sitting in the hallway.

“Of course. Nothing but the best for my Valentine,” he replies huskily.

Is there anything this man says or does that doesn’t turn me on? If there is, I’ve yet to find it. He sets a plate in front of me and one for himself before taking a seat. We talk about our days and how Roman already has an infant car seat and hospital bag in both of their cars.

“He’s going to be such a good daddy.”

“Yeah, he’s stoked. He’s nervous, but he’s pretty damn excited.”

“Emerson is too. I think it’s more not knowing what to expect with the delivery. I’m sure the next one will be easier for both of them.”

“You think they’ll have more?”

I nod. “I’m certain of it. As long as they are able to and everything goes well with this one.”

“I can see it.” He nods, and a small smile tugs at his lips as if he’s picturing Roman and Emerson surrounded by their future kids.

The food is delicious, and the company is even more so. It’s the perfect low-key stay-at-home night, and I have my husband to thank for that.

“That was so good,” I tell him after cleaning my plate. If I wasn’t so stuffed, I’d go for seconds.

“I hope you have room for dessert.” He stands and takes our plates to the sink, coming back with a cake carrier. He pulls off the top, and inside is a homemade chocolate cake.

“You baked a cake? Did you not work today?”