Page 69 of Is This Love?

I know we need to talk about it, and we will. However, we’re still in the honeymoon phase. We have several months before any decisions need to be made. We’re just going to ride this out, and my hope is that she’ll be so wrapped up in me like I know I will be wrapped up in her that she wants to forget about the divorce and we can live happily ever after. I’m dreading our one-year anniversary. The day we’re scheduled to meet with my grandmother’s attorney. It’s still months away, and already, the thought of asking her for a divorce haunts me. I can’t imagine a life where Monroe isn’t mine.

I’m fucked.

“How about a game of Monopoly?” Roman suggests.

We guys snicker because he knows damn well we all get frustrated with how long that damn game takes, but Emerson loves it. He’s whipped, and he’s damn proud of it.

“Yes.” Emerson turns in his arms and kisses him. “Set it up. I’m going to dish out the rest of this cake.”

“Sure thing, baby girl.”

They don’t confirm that we all want to play. They know we will. That’s just how we roll. The guys and I filter into the dining room to clean off the table, and then we set up the game while Monroe and Emerson dish up slices of baby pink cake.

If you’d asked me last New Year’s Eve how I’d be spending this one, this would not have been on my bingo card, but that’s okay. I wouldn’t trade this night or how things have turned out the last few months for anything.

“Ten, nine, eight…,” we all start to count.

I slide my hand beneath the table and place it on Monroe’s thigh. She glances over at me, just as I hoped that she would. I lean in close. “Three, two, one. Happy New Year, wife.” I don’t give her a chance to say it back as I kiss her softly. It’s not how I really want to kiss her, but I know we’re pretending.

We’re supposed to be pretending.

Our friends have seen us together enough to know that things are changing. I want them to know, but until we talk about it, I can’t devour her like Roman is Emerson.

“My sister,” Forrest coughs, and we all laugh.

“Happy New Year, husband.” Monroe winks, and my cock twitches in my pajama pants. She doesn’t refer to me as her husband often, but damn, when she does, it turns me on like nothing else.

It takes us another hour to wrap up the game. Emerson is the victor, as she usually is.

“You ready to head home?” I ask Monroe.

“Yes.” She covers her yawn with her hand. “I’m exhausted. I can’t do this late-night stuff anymore.” She laughs.

“Aw, Mo’s married to an old man, so now she’s acting like him,” Lachlan teases.

“Trust me, there is nothing old about my husband,” Monroe fires back, and I want to beat on my chest like a caveman because her words tell our friends everything we haven’t said. If they’ve been wondering if we’re sleeping together, now they know. I’m actually surprised none of the guys have come out and asked me. I guess they’re staying out of it. For now, anyway. I’m sure that comment opened up a can of worms that I won’t be able to escape.

“Interesting. Tell us more.” Lachlan grins.

Maddox smirks.

“We’re going home. Forrest, brother, thank you for having us.” I stand and offer Monroe my hand. “Rome, Em, congrats on the baby girl. I can’t wait to meet her.”

“Thank you,” they reply at the same time.

“Ready?” I ask Monroe.

“I just need to get my coat and purse.”

“They’re by the door.” With my hand on the small of her back, I lead her to the door. I help her slip into her coat before I put mine on, and I carry her purse for her. When we get outside, I see it’s snowed more than I thought it was going to. Without thinking, I bend and lift her in my arms, making her laugh.

“What are you doing?”

“Carrying you to the truck.”

When I get to the door, she pulls it open, and I set her in the seat. “Oh, heated seats. Remote start for the win. I didn’t even see you hit the button.”

“You were too engrossed in the game.”