Page 62 of Is This Love?

Walking to the door, I turn off the lights and blindly make my way back to the bed. I climb in beside her, and because I’m a glutton for punishment and can’t seem to help myself, I reach for her. She comes willingly, allowing me to curl my body around her.

“Goodnight, gorgeous.”

“Night, Legend.”

I lie awake, holding her until her breathing is deep and even. Once I know she’s settled, I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.




It’s our last day at the cabin. We leave in the morning, and although I’ve enjoyed our time here together, I’m also ready to go home. Not because I miss my job, or Ashby, for that matter. We’ve only been here a few days. No, I’m ready to go home so that I can maybe put a little space between me and my husband.

I sleep in his arms every night—not something new for us—but here, in this place, it feels different. He’s also still touching me anytime that he can, and last night, he kissed me goodnight. Not just a peck on the lips, “have a good sleep” kind of kiss. No, he molded his mouth to mine and kissed me for what felt like hours before rolling me over, wrapping himself around me, and whispering goodnight.

I’m in trouble.

So much trouble.

I can’t resist him. What’s worse is that I don’t want to. I almost slipped away to call Emerson last night but decided against it. This is something we need to talk about in person. Besides, this cabin may be huge, but it’s quiet with just the two of us. I wasn’t willing to risk him overhearing our conversation.

“What time do you want to head out in the morning?” Legend asks.

We’re sitting on the couch. We just got back after watching a dinner show. “What time do we have to be out of here?”

“Eleven, I think.”

I nod. “I’m easy. Do you have clients tomorrow?”

“No. I’m off all week.”

That surprises me. “You are?”

“Yeah, when you told me you were taking the entire week off, I did too.”

See, this man, he melts my heart. “You didn’t have to do that.”

“I know, but I thought we could go shopping. Get a few things to make the house feel more like home for you.”

“Legend, that’s not necessary.”

“Maybe paint the bedroom or any other room. It’s small, but I want it to feel like yours while you live there.”

“I love your house. I wouldn’t change a thing. Well, I might buy a throw blanket or two. We keep having to take the blankets from the bedroom.” I chuckle, thinking about Legend tugging the blankets out to the living room because he knows I like to be snuggled up.

“We can do that. Who knows? You might see something else while we’re out and about.”

“That’s really not necessary, Legend.”

“I need you to feel like you’re home.”

“I do. You’ve made me feel welcome. Promise.” I smile at him.

He nods. “What do you want to do on our last night?” he asks, changing the subject.

“Hot tub,” I say immediately. “We’ve yet to try it out.” Yesterday, we were gone all day. We shopped a little, drove through the mountains, took in a dinner show, and came home and crashed. Well, after he kissed the breath from my lungs.