Page 58 of Is This Love?

“Okay.” He lifts his head, but not far because he places a kiss on the corner of my mouth. “I’ll go grab our things.”

“I-I’ll help,” I say, trying to recover from what just happened. My heart gallops in my chest, and I can’t help but be a little bit disappointed that he didn’t move his lips just a little closer so that I could feel his full lips against mine.

“It’s cold out, gorgeous. I’ll start with the groceries, and you can start unpacking. How’s that?”


He smiles. “I’ll be right back.”

He turns to leave, and I stand here in the hallway, staring after him.

I think I just fell a little bit in love with my husband.




“What do you want to do tonight?” I ask Monroe. We’re unpacked and sitting on the couch in the main living room of our cabin. After putting all the groceries away, we took a long walk on the trails next to our cabin. Thankfully, they were not covered in snow and ice. We also didn’t run into any bears, which I’m also thankful for. When we got back, we made dinner and finally unpacked our bags, which brings us to now.

“Nothing. The idea of getting back in the truck after that drive is not appealing at all.”

“Agreed. You want to watch a movie in the theater room? Soak in the hot tub? Go for a swim?” I rattle off a few options that our cabin provides.

“Let’s go for a swim. That indoor pool area is cool.”

“Let’s do it.” I stand and offer her my hand. She takes it without question and allows me to lead her to the bedroom. The one I insisted on sharing with her even though there are many others to choose from. “You take the bathroom first,” I tell her, releasing her hand and taking a seat on the bed.

She grins and opens the dresser drawer, pulls out her swimsuit, and rushes off to the bathroom while I sit here and give myself a mental pep talk. I’ve seen her in a swimsuit many times. This time is no different. She’s the same gorgeous woman who I’ve hung out with countless times. The only thing different is that she’s now my wife.

The bathroom door swings open, pulling my attention. I damn near swallow my tongue at the sight of her. She’s wearing a white bikini that leaves very little to the imagination. Her perfectly round, perky breasts are barely covered by tiny triangles of fabric.

“You’re up.” She smiles as if nothing is amiss. Can she not see what she’s doing to me? Is the desire I have for her not written all over my face?

Standing, I turn my back to her as I reach down and adjust my cock, giving it room in these tight jeans that were not tight before she walked out of the bathroom, looking like a sex goddess. Pulling open a dresser drawer, I root around to find my swimming trunks and turn to face her. I force myself to take one painful step, then another toward the bathroom. I stop next to her and place a kiss on her bare shoulder. “I’ll be quick.” My voice is husky and filled with my want for her, and even if I wanted to hide it, I wouldn’t be able to. Not with how turned on I am from just seeing her in her skimpy bikini.

I’ve got to get a handle on this desire I have for her.

In the bathroom, I strip out of my clothes and palm my cock. I need relief, but not when she’s waiting for me just on the other side of the closed door. Instead, I think of unsexy things like cute puppies and the letter from my grandma that set this entire plan in motion in the first place. When I finally get myself under control, I slip into my trunks, collect my discarded clothes, and open the bedroom door.

“I grabbed us some towels from the other bathroom, just in case. I didn’t check to see if the pool area had a supply there already or not.” Monroe holds up the towels in her hands as proof.

“My wife is not only beautiful, she’s smart.”

She playfully rolls her eyes, but the blush that rises from her chest to her face gives her away. Dropping my clothes on a chair, I take the towels from her hand and shove them under one arm while offering her my free hand. She takes it, and I lead us to the downstairs pool area.

“It’s not deep enough to dive, but it’s something,” she says, releasing my hand and stepping into the water. “Oh, it’s heated.” She laughs. “I don’t know why I didn’t consider that.”

I toss the towels down on a lounge chair and follow her into the water. She drops to her knees in the shallow end, letting the water wash over her, and I can’t help but think of how I’m standing before her as her eyes are level with my cock. I’m hard again, and when her eyes widen, I know she sees it.

I drop down next to her, but I’m able to sit on my ass, while Monroe is on her knees. “Makes me feel like a kid,” I say, running my hands through the water.

“Yeah,” she agrees, tilting her head back. “I can’t wait to be an aunt. Too bad my bestie won’t tell me if I’m going to have a niece or a nephew.”

“When are they sharing?”

“She said after the wedding. She didn’t want to take away from that. I tried to tell her we didn’t care, but she wouldn’t listen.”