Page 18 of Is This Love?

I nod, knowing that there isn’t a single thing she could ask from me that I wouldn’t give her. She’s giving up so much to help me. If it’s the full experience she wants, the full experience she’ll get.

“Come on.” I lace her fingers through mine, enjoying the feel of her soft skin, grab the bag, and lead her to the break room.

It’s been two days since I’ve seen Monroe. We’ve texted back and forth a little, but I’ve not laid eyes on her in over forty-eight hours. Something I know a man in love would never do. “You should go see her. Drop lunch or flowers off at her work,” Roman tells me.

“Why are you not home with your wife?” I ask him.

“Trust me, I wish I were. She made me come in today. I was ready to cancel all my appointments.”

“She’s going to be there when you get home,” I remind him, and a goofy, joyful look crosses his face.

“I know, man. Best fucking feeling ever to come home to her.”

I nod like I actually understand, when I have no clue what it’s like to have someone waiting at home for you at the end of a long day.

“Take her some flowers. When is your next client?” he asks.

“Not until two. I had one cancel.”

“You’ve got plenty of time. Grab her a coffee and some flowers, and make a show of dropping them off to her in front of all of her coworkers.”

“I don’t know her favorite coffee.”

“You do know I’m married to her best friend, right?” He grabs his phone from his desk and dials Emerson, hitting the speakerphone button so I can hear their conversation.

“Hey, how’s your day?” she greets him. “You caught me on my break.”

“Better now that I’m talking to you. Baby girl, I’ve got you on speaker. Legend is with me. He wants to take Monroe her favorite coffee and some flowers. What’s her drink of choice?”

“Aw, Legend, she’ll love that. Look at you being all husbandly already.”

“It was my idea,” Roman tells her.

Emerson laughs. “Why am I not surprised?”

“He hasn’t seen her in two days, baby girl. The man needs to step up his game.”

“They’re easing everyone into this, Rome. Have patience. Legend?”

“I’m here.”

“She’s an iced-vanilla-latte girl. As far as flowers, we’re women, and anything is always appreciated, especially when it means the man in our life is thinking about us. You can’t go wrong with whatever you choose.”

“Thanks, Emerson.”

“Love you, baby girl. I’ll be home around six.”

“I’m working until six.”

“I’ll have dinner ready.”

“I’ll see you at home. Gotta go. Love you.” The call ends before Roman can reply.

He shoves his phone back into his pocket and levels me with his stare. “You sure about all this, man?”

“It’s a lot,” I admit. “But the more I think about it, the more I know it wouldn’t work with anyone but her. She’s right about that. It’s easy enough to get everyone to believe it.”

He nods. “Who knows, maybe it will work out between the two of you.”