Page 100 of Is This Love?

“It’s fine.”

“What are you going to do?” Roman asks.

“I’m going to sit my ass in this chair until I’m allowed to take my wife home. I don’t care about the money. I never did. All I care about is her. As far as I’m concerned, the money can be donated. It won’t make my wife better any faster. It won’t help her breathe on her own again. I have no use for it.”

My phone rings again, and it’s the same number. I stand and walk to the corner of the room. “Hello.”

“Mr. Raines, it’s Edward Mullins. I was calling to confirm our appointment tomorrow. We’re still meeting at your new home, correct?”

“No.” I take a deep breath to calm my nerves. He doesn’t know where I am. “There will be no meeting. I’m unable to make it.”

“Legend, you do understand—” he starts, but I cut him off.

“What I understand is that my wife is lying in an ICU, fighting for her life. What I understand is no amount of money can heal her. What I understand is that I can’t live this life without her. I can live without five million dollars. So, no, Mr. Mullins, we won’t be meeting tomorrow.”

“I’m sorry to hear about your wife.”

“Thanks,” I mutter. “I need to go.” I end the call and slide my phone into my pocket. “I fucking hate this. I hate seeing her like this. I hate that I feel helpless.”

Emerson comes to me and wraps me in a hug, and I hold on to her as tightly as I can. “She loves you so much, Legend. She’s going to come back to us.”

“I need her to. We have plans. Babies, and barbeques, and growing old together. She has to beat this.”

“She will,” Roman says, placing his hand on my shoulder. He grips it tightly, lending me his strength. “She just needs time to heal.”

After a few minutes, Emerson pulls away. “The others are anxious to come and see her. Drake and Lyra have both been checking in as well.”

“Tell them thanks.”

“We’re going to stick around for a while. We’ll come back in and say goodbye before we leave.”

“Love you, man.” Roman pulls me into a hug.

“Love you too.”

They leave, and I take my seat next to the bed. Monroe’s hand is finally warm in mine. Hope swells inside me. “You’re getting better, baby. Your hands are warm. Your color is better. Just keep fighting. I’m right here. I’m with you every step of the way. Just keep fighting.”




I can feel his hand in mine. I try to squeeze, but nothing happens.

“Just keep fighting.”

I know that voice. Legend wants me to fight. I’m trying, but I can’t move, and my eyes won’t open. It’s dark, and my chest hurts.

“Just keep fighting.”

I’m trying. I want to scream, but the words won’t come.

I try again, but darkness claims me.