“That’s what they told us at urgent care, but I think she’s getting worse, not better.”
“She might need a stronger antibiotic or a different course.”
“Yeah. I just want her to heal. I hate seeing her like this.”
“Let me know if I can do anything.” Maddox tells me.
“Thanks, man. Is it just us today?”
“Yeah. Lilly has a checkup, so Rome took the day off, and Lachlan and Forrest are both working Saturday.”
I nod and head to my room to get ready for my first client of the day. While I’m setting up, my phone rings. I rush to pull it from my pocket, thinking it might be Monroe. “Hey, Mom.”
“How’s Monroe feeling?”
I smile because my mother and my wife have grown close. “She’s not any better. I tried to convince her to let me stay home and take her back to the doctor today, but she’s determined to finish her antibiotics, and then, if she’s not better, she’ll go back.”
“Well, sweetheart, she might have a point. I hate that she’s not any better, but sometimes these things take time.”
“I know. I just hate feeling helpless.”
“How about I make her some of my homemade chicken soup?”
“Yeah, I think she’d like that. I can swing by after work to pick it up.”
“No. You go on home. I’ll bring it to your place around six.”
“Thanks, Mom. Love you.”
“Love you too.”
I shove my phone back into my pocket and smile for the first time today. My mom’s chicken soup is so good. I know Monroe hasn’t had an appetite, but there is no way she can turn that down.
Lyra brings back my first client, and I get lost in my work. Four hours later, I’m wrapping up with the guy in my chair. “Lyra will cash you out and go over aftercare instructions. Thanks for coming in.”
“It’s dope,” the kid tells me. “I’ll be back for more. I want a sleeve.”
“Sounds good. Lyra can take care of that too.”
He nods and rushes out the door. He’s twenty and well on his way to being ink addicted. Nothing wrong with that. In fact, it’s good for business.
Grabbing my phone, I call Monroe to check on her.
“Hey,” she croaks.
“How you feeling?”
“Did you eat something?”
“I had two pieces of toast. I’m not hungry.”
She already knows I’m going to tell her she needs to eat.
“My mom called to check on you. She’s going to make you some of her homemade chicken soup and bring it by tonight.”
“That’s sweet of her. She doesn’t have to do that.”