Page 77 of Is This Love?

“I’d need a wife, hell, a girlfriend, even, for that to happen. You have one. Why don’t you have your own so your wife will let me have my niece?”

I still, waiting to see what Legend will say. I keep my eyes on Lilly while I’m mentally saying, Yes, Legend Raines, I’ll have your babies.

I’m losing it.

Legend looks over at me with a smirk on his face. “What do you think, wife?”

That thing my belly does, you know, like there’s a swarm of butterflies flapping their wings a million miles a second, appears. Just like it seems to do most days in the presence of my husband. “I think Forrest needs to chill. He lives next door. He gets to have her all the time.”

“But not today,” Forrest counters. He crosses his muscular arms over his chest.

Forrest is an attractive guy. He could have any woman he wanted. Hell, they all could. I know he’s been lonely since Emerson moved out, but he’s lucky. She didn’t go far. He can walk across his yard and see his sister, his niece, and one of his best friends anytime he wants to. That’s why I’m hogging this precious little girl today.

“I think it’s my turn.” Legend reaches over and pulls Lilly from my arms. “Aunt Mo and Uncle Forty need to share, huh, sweetheart?” he asks her.

I watch as Legend coos and cuddles Lilly, talking to her softly as if she understands every word. Why is a man holding and loving on a baby so sexy? Why can’t I stop thinking about Legend holding our baby? It’s becoming a problem. Lilly is nine weeks old, and every single time that he’s held her since she was born, that’s where my mind goes.

“Let’s eat.” Roman stands. “Legend, you want me to take her?”

“Nah, man. You eat. We’re good, aren’t we, Lilly bug?”

It’s endearing how he started calling her that. Roman calls her his ladybug, and Legend modified it a little. It’s adorable. It’s not just Legend. All the guys have started calling her that. Four men, all sexy as hell, fawning over this baby girl would make any woman near them ready to reproduce.

Everyone starts making their plates. I make two, one for me and one for Legend. Taking my seat at the table, I slide his plate in front of him.

“What’s this?”

“I made you a plate.”

He leans over and pecks my lips. “Thank you, baby.” His words are soft, but I know our friends hear him, and there’s no way to disguise that kiss.

“Hey, I just realized it’s been six months.” Emerson beams.

She winks at me, and I give her a subtle nod of thanks for pulling the attention away from Legend and me. I jump right in, hoping that everyone will let the kiss and the comment pass without questioning us. We’ve been able to skate by so far with all the touches and kisses.

“What will be six months?” I ask my best friend.

“You’ve been married six months.”

“I guess time flies when you’re having fun.” Legend smiles at me, then goes right back to cooing at the baby.

“It doesn’t seem that long at all,” I say, because with each passing day, I’m closer to losing him, and it seems the days are getting shorter and shorter as we get nearer.

“Six months to go.” Legend says it almost as if he, too, is counting down the days. I wish I was looking into his eyes to get a good read on him, but he’s purposely giving all his attention to baby Lilly.

“So, what is this?” Maddox asks. He waves his fork, pointing it at me and then Legend. “We still pretending?”

“We?” Legend asks.

Maddox waves him off. “You know what I mean.”

“There is no we. There is me and my wife.”

“See!” Lachlan points at Legend. “I told you, Mad. He’s hooked.”

My face heats. Not that I care that they know I have feelings for Legend. I’m pretty sure everyone at this table already has me figured out. But I hate the thought of Legend being put on the spot. This is not how I want my husband to tell me his feelings haven’t changed and that in six months' time, we’re getting divorced.

I don’t even like to think about the D-word these days. I’m in a heavy state of denial and avoidance. I’m just not ready to lay all of my cards out on the table. We’re good where we are. We’re steady, we’re happy, so why ruin that before we have to?