Page 74 of Kiana's Hero

“Yes, we do.” Tina pushed to her feet.

Meredith wrapped an arm around Tina’s waist, and the two took off down a path leading toward the high wall surrounding the compound.

Kiana followed, looking over her shoulder every other step.

Even if they made it through the fence, they were high up a mountainside with no idea of how far they were from a town. They’d have to get down from that mountain without being recaptured.

At the very least, their escape would buy them a few precious minutes more. Hopefully, enough for Dev and his team to find them.

By the time they reached the back of the tall concrete block fence, Tina was gasping for air. She leaned against the fronds of a stubby palm tree, dragging them to the side to reveal a narrow gap between the blocks. It was wide enough to allow water to drain out of the compound and down the mountainside. If Kiana and Meredith got down on their bellies, they could low-crawl through to the other side.

Kiana waved toward the hole in the wall. “Meredith, you go first. I’ll stand guard.”

Meredith shook her head. “I’ll only go if Tina comes with us.”

Tina shook her head. “I can’t. If I leave now, I won’t have the medicines that help keep me alive.”

“We’ll get you what you need,” Kiana said.

“I don’t have a local doctor. They’d want to run more tests. It would take too much time. I don’t have...that kind of time.” Tina smiled bravely. “I’ll be okay. My father wouldn’t hurt me.”

“Not intentionally,” a deep voice said behind Kiana.

Tina spun to face the man standing at the edge of the little clearing. “Dad,” she said, pasting an innocent smile on her face. “I was just showing our guests the garden.”

Mercer held his jaw so tightly that the muscles on the side of his face twitched with repressed anger. One hand was tucked into his pocket. He waved the other toward the house. “Tina, darling girl, it’s late. Our guests need to get back inside. I have a special program all set up for their entertainment.”

Tina bent to tie her shoe and came up with a knife in her hand. “No, Dad. I know what you have planned for Meredith and Kiana. I heard what you were saying.” When she rose, she flipped open a blade and held it in front of her. “They’re my sisters, not my retail store for organs. I won’t let you hurt them.” She shook her head from side to side, holding the knife out in front of her.

When she swayed a little, Meredith was there to hold her up.

“Tina, step away from these women.” Mercer pulled his hand from his pocket along with a small pistol. “I’m only doing what’s necessary to save your life.”

“If you’re killing my sisters to save me, I’d rather die.” She shook her head. “Dad, please. Let them go.”

“I can’t,” he said. “You mean everything to me. I can’t let you die. I won’t.” The man aimed the gun at Kiana. “You can come with me willingly, or I’ll shoot you and have my men carry you inside.”

“No, Dad.” Tina stepped between the pistol and Kiana. “These women are the sisters I always wanted. If I only live another day, I will die happy having spent a little time with them. Please, Dad, don’t do this.”

Mercer stared at his daughter with such sadness in his eyes that Kiana almost felt sorry for him. “You deserve a life,” he said hoarsely.

“Not at the expense of theirs,” Tina said, her voice catching on a sob.

“I have to save you.” His eyes narrowed. “Now, step aside, Augustina. The doctors are ready.”

Tina lifted her chin. “If the only way to keep me alive is to sacrifice one of them...” she drew in a breath and let it go, “then my life isn’t worth living.” She turned her knife, pressing the tip to her throat. “Let them go, or I’ll end this now. I couldn’t live with myself, knowing my sister died to save me.”

Kiana gasped. “No, Tina. Don’t do it.”

“Tina.” Mercer blanched, and the hand holding the gun shook. “My darling, be reasonable.”

His daughter shook her head. “I am. My death is the most reasonable thing I can do. It’s the only way to stop this insanity.”

Chapter 18

Once Dev, his team and SEAL Team One reached the fence, Hawk bent over and cupped his hands. “Go!” he said to Dev.

Dev stepped into Hawk’s hands and was lifted high enough to hook his arms over the top of the fence. He slung his leg over and straddled the wall.