Page 25 of Kiana's Hero

He had to get free of this guy and go after Kiana or risk losing her.

With the parking lot only a block and a half away, Kiana ran toward it. If she could get to the car, she could drive it to where Dev was fighting yet another gang member. Dev could jump in, and they could get away.

It sounded like a good plan, and it might have worked.

When Kiana was several yards shy of the parking lot, a dark SUV squealed to a stop beside her.

The back door slammed open, and a man jumped out.

Kiana ran faster, reaching the car parking area before the guy caught up to her. She zigzagged between cars, trying to keep one between her and the man chasing her.

When he threw himself over the hood of one and reached for her, she ducked out of reach, rounded the end of a van and dove to the ground. Landing on her belly, Kiana rolled beneath the van and lay still.

Where was Dev? He said he’d be right behind her.

Black boots stopped beside the van.

Kiana rolled away from the boots, out into the open and back beneath the car on the other side of the van. The approaching sirens covered the sound of her movement.

Unfortunately, it masked the sound of her pursuer’s movements as well. She’d barely stopped beneath the car when the boots appeared beside her.

Her breath lodged in her throat.

When the man suddenly dropped down beside the car and looked straight into her eyes, Kiana screamed.

A tattooed arm reached beneath the chassis, snagged her leg and dragged her toward him.

As soon as her knees cleared the body of the vehicle, Kiana kicked hard, aiming for the guy’s face.

When his grip on her ankle slipped, she rolled back beneath the car and out the other side.

Kiana scrambled to her feet. She made it to the front of the car when the gang member slid across the hood and landed in her path.

He smiled at her, displaying a row of shiny metal teeth. “Bitch, you’re coming with me.”

“The hell she is,” a deep voice said.

Dev appeared behind the man, grabbed his head and slammed it into the hood of the car. The man jerked free of Dev’s grip and spun in time to meet a fist slamming into his gut. When he doubled over, Dev brought his knee up sharply, connecting with his face.

The man dropped to the ground and lay still.

Dev grabbed Kiana’s hand.

As they ran for the car, Kiana dug the key fob out of her pocket and hit the unlock button. She dove into the passenger seat while Dev jumped into the driver’s seat.

Dev drove out of the parking lot, past the man rising from the ground. A dark SUV pulled in front of the exit, blocking their vehicle.

The doors on both sides opened.

The sirens blared loudly. Two police cars raced around a corner a few blocks away, heading straight for the SUV.

The doors slammed shut, and the SUV drove away, stopped briefly at The Big Wave Dive Bar, and then sped away, disappearing around a corner.

The police cars weren’t far behind. They sped past the parking lot and ground to a halt in front of the bar.

With their path clear, Dev drove out of the parking lot and turned away from the bar, the police and the gang that had tried to take Kiana.

She sat quietly in the seat next to Dev, willing her pulse to slow and her breathing to return to normal.