Page 145 of Blood of the Stars

“Why, thank you.” Velden beamed, making Sylmar grumble something under his breath.

Jasperus sat back, his face falling into shadows. “I still want to know what fractured his past.”

Sylmar hummed his agreement, his gaze settling on the flames. His mind seemed haunted by his own memories as he stroked one of the lumpy scars on his cheek. What kind of injury caused scars like his?

“Each person here has been broken in some way.” Velden’s unusually serious tone cut into Aeliana’s thoughts. “We all made a choice to sacrifice our lives in order to keep Mayvus from gaining power.”

Aeliana nodded, then turned to Jasperus. “Yours is the only story I haven’t heard. Sylmar said it was one I should hear from your own lips.”

Jasperus grasped his starlock and peering at its axe shape. “He probably thought you weren’t ready for it at the time. I was actually a Zealot until a year ago, when Mayvus took my son for her army.”

Aeliana flinched. “A Zealot?”

“Most Zealots start out as Loyalists. They want leadership, but they see the corruption of the royal family, so they look to the servants of the Sun. As they start to follow Mayvus, they’re either unaware of Mayvus’ growing connection with the Elanesses, or they’re unaware of Mayvus’ true motives. My wife and I fell in the second camp.”

Aeliana swallowed hard. “How did she take your son?”

“In our country, there are three major schools where men and women are trained after receiving their starlocks. Technically, we should be registering you as a progeny so you can attend one. One of many laws we’re breaking.” He smirked, but it quickly faded.

As he spoke, Iris joined them by the fire, her hands busy mending one of Holm’s shirts.

“Most Recreants hide their starlocks and train at home,” Jasperus continued. “The schools are technically under the royal family’s authority. But Mayvus scouts the schools to grow her army, calling students into priesthood but training them for warfare.”

“So her army is filled with progenies?” Aeliana asked. “How can we match up against that?”

“With strategy.” Velden toyed with the fish hooks in his ears. “She takes those who seem the most powerful, but that doesn’t always mean the most skilled. Besides, we have our own progenies.”

“So she chose your son?” Aeliana asked, turning back to Jasperus.

“Yes.” He swallowed, gaze on the fire. “As Zealots, we saw it as a privilege. My wife—” His voice broke. “My wife and I were thrilled at his honored status. He moved up in the ranks of priesthood, but he changed so much.” Jasperus’ eyes and mouth twitched as he spoke.

Sylmar turned away, but Velden gave a sticky pat to Jasperus’ back. Iris’ hands moved faster with her needle and thread as she blinked away tears.

“He changed within a few moons, both in physical strength and power. But his words and thoughts began to change, too. He worshipped the ground Mayvus walked on. On his last visit home, he finally admitted he'd allowed himself to be branded.”

Aeliana’s chest tightened. “Like my mother?”

Jasperus nodded. “His was voluntary. He wasn’t under her control often, but it still left us on edge to know he could be at any time. Especially when he hinted at the use of blood magic. Few people outside our army know or believe that rumor to be true. It’s why the royal family is so eager to work with her even though they swear off all blood magic.”

Aeliana’s gaze drifted to the blackness of the woods, her eyes imagining the trail Gaeren might follow. He would tell them about Mayvus’ blood magic. What would they do about it?

“Before he returned to his duties, my wife questioned him about the brand. She asked if he could undo it, and he—he completely lost it. He threw her against the wall. I was so concerned about her that I didn't even see him leave, and I haven't seen him since.”

“And your wife?” Aeliana whispered.

“She died two days later from her internal injuries.”

The air grew heavy with his loss laid bare.

“I’m so sorry.” The words tasted stale on her lips.

“She begged me to forgive him. He’s just another victim. I think I have, but some days it’s hard to remember. Some days I have to work through it all over again, and I don’t always have the strength.” He wiped at the wetness clinging to his lashes.

“What’s your son’s name?” Aeliana asked.

“Brogdon.” Jasperus’ voice cracked as he added, “After his grandfather.”

Silence stretched out for a long moment. “And he still serves Mayvus?”