Kendalyhn’s eyebrows rose over her closed lids, and Aeliana would have given anything to see what Kendalyhn glimpsed in Gaeren’s soul. The moment stretched, and Kendalyhn stepped back, her gaze shooting between Gaeren and Aeliana.
“Well?” Sylmar grunted, shifting his weight more heavily on his staff.
“There’s betrayal in his past that wasn’t there before. It clouds his motives, but his desire hasn’t changed. He wants to protect the people from Mayvus. To find the starbridge. He wants what’s best even if his parents don’t.”
Sylmar squinted, the scars of his face pulling in tight. “He can’t be all that noble. Nothing’s ever that simple.”
“Like I said, his motives are mixed.” Kendalyhn glanced at Aeliana, drawing Sylmar’s and Lukai’s attention too.
Aeliana rubbed the fresh scabs and scars on her palms unsure what to think of Kendalyhn's strange behavior. The woman remained as mysterious as the cuts that continued showing up on Aeliana’s skin. Cuts that made her wonder if she was doing blood magic while she slept. Ever since Durriken had been freed, she’d been too afraid to ask Sylmar about it.
“Besides, how can you refuse me? I still have a boat, and you are in need of a boat.” Gaeren grinned at Sylmar.
The muscles in Sylmar’s face twitched as he debated their options, but clearly this was the best one.
“How soon can we leave?” the older man asked.
Gaeren’s smirk bloomed to a full smile. “If we stop for supplies in Bryton or Merrick, we could leave tomorrow afternoon. That will draw less suspicion anyway.”
Sylmar nodded, turning back to camp to call out instructions. Kendalyhn left, and Lukai reluctantly followed, glancing over his shoulder at Aeliana and Gaeren, who remained alone at the edge of camp with his horse.
“What about Riveran and Marnok?” Aeliana handed the reins back to Gaeren and stroked the horse’s withers.
Gaeren ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t know. I think Riveran will come, but I doubt Marnok has had time to fully search for his roots.”
“And Enla?”
Gaeren’s smile faded. “She has to make her own choices. And I’m not sure they’re the same as mine. Once my family realizes I’m gone, I won’t be able to return. Not unless we’ve exposed Mayvus. Even then… this could be unforgivable.”
Aeliana bit her lip and turned away. It felt like too big of a risk for him to come. He didn’t even know half of the risk because he didn’t know about her blood. This moment alone wouldn’t last long, not with how little everyone trusted the prince.
But she trusted him.
She almost laughed at the strangeness of the thought. In fact, as rocky as their start had been, sometimes he seemed like the one she could trust the most to tell her the truth, especially if it would be something she didn’t want to hear. He had no motives to get her to do what he wanted.
She leaned against the horse, as if revealing her secret to the gelding instead of Gaeren. “Mayvus has my blood,” she whispered.
“What?” Gaeren’s face paled, his gaze darting to the others still walking away.
“We’re guessing she plans to brand me the same way she branded my mother,” Aeliana rushed on, unsure which details to spill before they lost their privacy. “My power is strange, unwieldy. Even as Sylmar trains me, it’s too strong. They think it has to do with the way my guardians—with the…” She closed her eyes, unable to finish.
“If she branded you, she could control that magic.” His hushed voice held sorrow.
Aeliana nodded, still unwilling to look at him. “I just thought you should know the risks before you get more involved. I’d hate for you to get all the way to the Valley of Krahn just to discover it’s not a risk you’re willing to take on.”
“Aeliana?” Lukai’s call from up ahead broke the strained silence between Gaeren and Aeliana.
“Coming,” she yelled back, taking a step toward her bondmate.
Gaeren stopped her by grabbing her hand, the warmth of his skin sending a trail of hope up her arm. “Thank you,” he said. “For telling me.”
Her smile faltered when Felk’s howl filled the air. “Felk will be reborn tomorrow.”
His eyes lit up as he glanced around for the winex. “Can I see him?”
“He’s not doing well.” Aeliana bit her lip. “It might be difficult to transport him. But I was hoping you could give him some memories after he’s reborn. And not the ones of him attacking me.”
Gaeren winced. “I can probably come up with a few others. Make him feel like he’s at home.”