The Sun peeked over the horizon, and Aeliana started when Cyrus hissed her name. When she turned to look again, Felk’s ashy skin looked mottled, and flecks of it blew away in the morning breeze. In moments, his entire body had dissolved to dust, the remnants of him floating away on the wind—except for a tiny figure left where his ribs had once been, half covered by the rags that had kept Felk somewhat modest—or maybe just warm.
A tiny yawn rose from the fabric, followed by a mewling noise, making Aeliana’s breath hitch.
She stepped forward, adjusting the fabric to see those same mournful eyes looking up at her, the single tear marking Felk’s left cheek. He blinked, and his lip quivered, revealing a mouth empty of the ferocious teeth he’d had moments before. Tiny hands balled into fists, and silvery legs poked out through the rags as he kicked. Aeliana squeezed her eyes shut, wanting to block out the pitiful sight, but it couldn’t be unseen.
“No, Aeliana,” Cyrus warned even as her hands reached for the bundle.
She picked Felk up, adjusting the rags tighter around his small form until he was snuggled between her arm and chest. She reached for her water flask and tipped it up to the tiny creature’s parted mouth.
“You can’t possibly bring him with us.”
“He’ll die if we leave him.” Aeliana set her jaw, refusing to look at Cyrus. She stared at Felk, who studied her between slow blinks.
“It’s their way,” Cyrus said, but his words no longer held conviction. He leaned forward, reaching for Felk’s tiny fist, which relaxed just enough to grasp Cyrus’ finger instead. “By tomorrow, he’ll be a toddler; at the end of the week, he’ll almost be full grown.”
“He won’t stay with us that long. Just a couple of days at most. Until he can take care of himself.”
Cyrus snorted, startling Felk into a cry.
Aeliana hushed him, then stroked his face and cheek until his eyes slid shut once more, and his mouth twitched into a gummy smile.
Aeliana smiled in return, but Cyrus backed away, shaking his head.
“Sylmar is going to kill you.”
By the time the Sun was high in the sky, Aeliana was forced to ride nearly a half mile behind the others. Instead of heading northeast, beyond Mt. Vescano and toward the Pass, Gaeren led the group northwest, angling toward the main roads that would give them the quickest path to the wetlands he called home. Lukai and Cyrus took turns keeping her company, but even they grew weary of the screeches coming from Felk’s mouth.
Aeliana jostled the quickly growing winex in her arms, trying to hush him as she offered water and bits of food. “Come on, Felkie, you need to eat.”
“Felkie?” Lukai asked with a grimace.
“Would you like to be the one to hold him?” Aeliana snapped. Lack of sleep hadn’t improved her mood. Sylmar had told her that if she couldn’t get Felk to quiet down before nightfall, he’d kill the winex himself. He wasn’t willing to risk their safety by attracting all the predators in the surrounding area.
“He’d probably be better off if you left him on the ground and rode away,” Lukai said.
Felk gave an especially loud cry, and Lukai rubbed at his ears.
“It’s like calves,” he added. “If you carry them around, they don’t learn how to walk and get their own milk. You’re weakening him by making him dependent on you.”
“Maybe you should swap with Cyrus. Felk seemed to enjoy him singing.” It wasn’t true, but she’d rather listen to off-key lullabies than Lukai’s opinion on raising winex.
Her bondmate didn’t waste any time riding ahead, and when Cyrus returned, Riveran came with him. Aeliana had hardly heard two words out of Gaeren’s right-hand man—hadn’t even seen the two of them talking. The bird on his shoulder squawked as they approached, its eyes on Felk.
“Can I hold him?” Riveran asked.
Aeliana stiffened, glancing between him and Cyrus, who shrugged.
“What are you going to do?” she asked.
He reached out his hands, the distance impossibly far between their horses. “I don’t have magic. I can’t hurt him.”
“There are plenty of ways to hurt him without a starlock.”
“Please?” The calm patience in his tone and eyes won her over. That and the fact that she’d reached her limit. As she passed Felk over, he squirmed, looking around for her in a panicked frenzy, but Riveran wrapped him tighter, pulling the winex in against his chest. Then, to Aeliana’s shock, he stuck his finger in Felk’s mouth.
The winex immediately start gnawing, his cries replaced by strange gummy noises and something reminiscent of a purr.