Page 57 of Saving Chains

“Be reasonable, Luna.” His voice turns gruff, his worried expression has turned to one of annoyance and now I know he’s trying to hold back his temper.

“I have been reasonable; I haven’t opened the bar in days because of him and those assholes he’s with. How is that fair to me?” I step back up to him, placing my palm gently on his chest. “Look, I know you don’t like it but I’m doing it anyway. And frankly, there’s nothing you, or anyone else for that matter, can do to stop me.” I put some distance between us again and push the bottle into his hands. “I know you mean well, and I know you’re worried, but you cannot wrap me in cotton wool. I’m not some China doll that is going to break.”

He takes my chin in his fingers. “You’re my doll. And I’m not about to lose you to that piece of shit because you were too fucking stubborn to do as you’re told.”

I huff, “So what you’re really saying is you’re ordering me to stay here?” My lips purse as my hackles rise.

“Yeah, if that’s what you want to think.” I snatch my chin from his fingers again,

“You going to get my father on side as well, get him to join you on your quest to keep me a prisoner?” My teeth grit as our gaze meets in a fierce glare.

“If I have to, yeah.”

“Fuck you.” I spin away, then pause and glance back. “You really should know me better than that, Levi.” I’m so sick and tired of being ordered around. Marching through the clubhouse, I go back to Levi’s room with one intention, and that’s to pack up my stuff, go back to my apartment and back to work.

“Luna!” Levi yells, distracting me from my thoughts as I march back through the main room. “Please be reasonable.” I lift my hand above my head and raise my finger at him from over my shoulder and carry on to my destination.



My teeth grind, it’s the only way of keeping my frustration on a down low, only because it’s her though. I can’t get my head around how obtuse she’s being about it all. I understand she’s fucking bored, but goddam, I think she does it more to piss me off. It’s a good job I fucking love her.

“And what do you think of Luna now, Brendan? Fiery fucker ain’t she?” Reaper pipes up, laughing from the side of me. My head snaps his way as he makes the joke. Like this is fucking funny.

“Fiery ain’t the fucking word.” I lift the bottle to my lips and guzzle down the beer that’s left then move to the end of the bar and slam it down. I swallow the beer in my mouth and shake my head. “Fuck. Wish me luck.”

“You’ll need more than that, dude.” Reaper shouts back still laughing. I head down the corridor until I reach my room. The door has been left open, and as I peer inside, I see her bag on my bed. Leaning my shoulder against the frame, I fill the doorway with my body, cross my ankle over the other and fold my arms across my chest and watch here cross the room as she comes from the bathroom with her hands full of her shit.

“What are you doing?” I ask. She jumps at the sound of my voice, turning her head slightly and glances at me for a split second, then carries on shoving stuff into her bag again.

“What’s it look like?” She’s still pissed.

“I know what it looks like, but you’re not seriously leaving over that little disagreement are ya?” My brows lift high as I wait for an answer.

“Disagreement?” She turns with her glare aimed right at me. “Are you fucking serious, Levi? It’s not the fact we had an argument about this, it’s the fact that you disregarded my need for normalcy.”

“Did I fuck.” I snap. “I’m looking out for you. Sorry for fucking caring.” I huff, chewing on my cheek.

“Fuck off, Levi. Don’t turn it around on me.”

“I know you need normalcy, but it’s fucking obvious that ain’t gonna happen. Not yet anyway, and not after the events of the last couple of weeks.”

She steps up, tipping her head back slightly, she's not quite my height without her stilettos. “And I refuse to pander to bullies.”

“It’s not about that.” My jaw tenses. Why can’t she see this is for her own good.

“Then what is it?” She glares, her normally sparkling green eyes darkening with her anger.

“Fuck, I love it when you’re angry.” I growl low in my throat, as my desire rises to the surface again.

Her hands are on my chest instantly and shoves me slightly to get my attention again. “Chains!” I blink.

“It’s about losing you.” I growl again. “It’s about me killing every single cunt that lays a finger on you, because that’s exactly what I’ll do. I’ll happily spend the rest of my life in jail if they so much as mark a patch of your skin.” My breath comes hard and fast, so hastily that I have to take a minute to get myself under control again. “Do you get that? So, please, Luna. Just stay here.”

She chews on her lip for a moment. I can see the cogs of her brain turning from here and as her lips push into a pout, I think she’s finally going to agree, but in a sudden change of heart, her forehead creases and her brows come together, and I see the stubbornness written all over her beautiful face.

“I love you. And I understand, but no. I need this, Levi. Now either you agree and let me do this my way, or I do it without your blessing.”