Page 53 of Saving Chains

As Levi stands, he hesitates, leans toward me and kisses me on the forehead. “I’ll just be outside the room.”

“Go grab Reaper, too.” Dad orders as Levi makes his way to the door.

The door closes as Dad sits on the chair beside me, he leans forward resting his elbows on his knees.

“You will always be my baby.” He reaches up and clears the tears from my face, then takes my hands. “No matter what happens or what’s said, or how old you get, you will always be my princess, and no one, I mean no one, fucking upsets or hurts my princess. I don’t care what happened between you, that's the way it is. Don’t ever blame yourself for being attacked.” His breathing increases. “He had no fucking right to touch you, Luna. None. And believe me when I say that he’ll never have the chance to touch you, or any woman, again. I’ll make him suffer for putting his hands on you.”

I feel the wobble of my chin and more tears track down my cheeks as I let it all out. I shouldn’t find comfort in the knowledge that Mac will get his comeuppance, but I do. I also find comfort in the knowledge that they’ll get revenge for the kid that died today. He was a baby. He hadn’t even lived, and they took that away from him. Dad’s hand cups the back of my head and tugs me forward, resting my forehead on his shoulder. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you when it happened, but I was so scared.”

“Not anymore princess; you don’t have to be anymore.” He tells me firmly, a hard edge lacing his tone.

“I love you, Dad.” I wind my arms around his middle and snuggle up against him, feeling his comfort. He cradles my head in his large hand, like he used to when I was smaller, and lets me cry. He doesn’t say it back, but my father has never been one for showing emotion or expressing his feelings. My eyes close at the feel of the kiss he presses to the top of my head. And that’s more than I can ask for. I know he loves me. At least he's a little calmer now, or he at least seems it. He releases me, gets up, and goes over to the door. “Get in here, boys.”

Levi rushes over to me, pulls me up into his arms, and holds me. “Hey, shhh,” he holds me tight as I continue to cry. “Is everything alright here?”

“Everything’s fine, son. But I need to talk to you two boys, we’re gonna find that son of a bitch, and we’re gonna take him down, along with whoever else wants to get in our way.”

I look up at Levi and try to smile, but I can’t. I’m scared. And knowing I need some reassurance; he lifts my chin. “We’ve got this, sweetheart. Go to my room while I talk to Pres.” I nod agreeably. Honestly, I’d rather be on my own right now anyway, I don’t want to hear what they plan for him, as much as I hate him and despise what he tried to do to me. He deserves punishment. “Go on sweetheart, I’ll be there as soon as I can.” I nod again, and reluctantly, I release him and move for the door, giving Reaper a sad smile as I pass him. I close the door behind me and leave them to talk.



“I'm calling Church. Get those fuckers in here, asap.” Pres announces as both me and Reaper take our seats. I text all of them individually, throw my cell onto the table and settle into my chair. I used to love coming in here as a prospect. It made me feel like I was someone. I belonged here. It was a good feeling after being told I was useless for the first sixteen years of my life.

“What do you think about patching Frisco in?” Pres asks now the room has only the three of us in it.

“I like Frisco, he’s a good kid. I think he fits in well.” Pres slowly nods at my answer and turns to Reaper to hear his thoughts.

“I agree. He does what we ask, and never complains. Well, I’ve never heard him anyway.”

“Sounds good to me. We’ll put it to the vote. If everyone agrees then we’ll patch him in today. No time like the present, and we need all the manpower we can get.” Reaper and I look at each other just as the door opens and one by one, the brothers begin filtering into Church. Pres takes his seat again at the head of the table. Reaper goes around him to sit at his right-hand side and leaves me where I am already, on his left. The rest take their seats until they’re all filled. Of course, next to Snake there’s an empty seat and as the chatter quietens in the room, there’s a very large elephant waiting to be recognized.

We sit in silence for another minute or so, but I can’t take the silence anymore and look at Pres to get things moving. The gavel bangs loudly on the table. “Church is in session.” Pres announces. “Chains, do you want to take this?” Nodding at him, I take a breath and rein my temper in.

“We need to talk about Mac,” I start. “I’m not sure how much you guys know about him, and I know I haven’t been back for too long, but I’ve been around this club since I was sixteen. Reaper, even longer than me. Back then I was a damaged kid. Pres taught me better and I know we’ve had issues, a lot of you have been caught in the crossfire between us, but no more.” I announce, meaning every single word. “Pretty boy,” I direct my question at Country, he looks at me, he’s still a little pissed about earlier, I can see it. If someone accused me, I’d be pissed, too, I guess. “How long have you known Mac?”I know we left shit hanging in the air outside earlier, and we can get to that later.

He looks up and meets my glare. He sighs and sits up. “Is this about earlier or something to do with him going missing?”

“Both, just answer the question.” I grind out.

He huffs, “About four years, maybe.”

“Were you patched in for the Savage Souls?”

“No. I did some jobs for them, collections, deliveries, that kind of thing when I was in town, when I wanted quick cash…I’ve never kept it a secret that I was nomad.” He teeters on the defensive as he looks between Reaper and me, and then to Pres. “Pres, what’s going on?”

He watches Country, if there’s the lightest flicker of guilt in his face, Pres will see it. “Did you know that Mac attacked Luna?”

“What?!” Country’s face screws up as his brows come together. “No. Is she alright?” he shoots out of his chair, shoving it back. “When the fuck did this happen?”

“Two weeks ago.” I add as calmly as I can manage, but still staring at him like I can make him tell me exactly what I want to hear. “Sit down.” He glares back but does as I say anyway. “The attack on our clubhouse; it all points to Mac. They were Savage members that we killed. There’s gonna be heat, a lot of fucking heat, so if any of you know anything about Mac, I suggest you give him up.”

“Yeah, or you can walk straight out of that door; if you reach it in time.” Pres adds.

“I don’t know anything Pres, I swear to you all now. Luna means the world to me, and if I did know where Mac was, or knew what he’d done to her, I’d have shot the fucker myself.” A slight nod to Country shows the smallest amount of respect I have for him at this precise moment.

“So, as you know,” I go on, “Mac was a patched member with the brothers, I don’t have to tell you all that as a patched member we have to vote to do anything about him. If you all decide against this, then I’ll have to think of another way to make him pay, but know this - he will fucking pay for what he’s done. Not only did he hurt Luna, but it was because of him that the kid, a thriving prospect, lost his life today. He was fucking eighteen.” I growl, my temper getting the better of me as I tighten my fists. “He would have been a good member too, so what you all saying then, are we gonna put this to a vote?”