Page 50 of Saving Chains

“Not really. Motherfucker deserved it. Who told you?”

“Everyone knows.” His brows pinch, like I should know that.

I don’t need my father in my head right now, or this prick trying to sidetrack me, so I change my tactic. “What the fuck do you want with us? This is your one chance to see another day.” Reaper has his foot on the chest of the other fucker as he screams like a bitch as the blood slowly leaks from the hole in his thigh. Reaper and I share a curious look, then I turn my focus back to this fuckrag.

“I hear we have a friend in common.”His grin gets bigger the longer this shit is taking.

“I fucking doubt that very much. We don’t do business with the Savage Souls.”

“You sure about that?” His eyes narrow as he moves his gaze from my gun to me, waiting for a reaction. “If I said MacDonald, would that ring a little bell in your mind?”

Rage consumes me. “Where the fuck is he?” I growl.

“Ah, now it seems we have a little common ground. I assume that’s the sweet piece of ass that Mac got…? I wouldn’t mind me a little piece of that,” I lift the gun higher, tightening my fingers around the handle for a firmer grip, ready to take the son of a bitch out.

“Watch it,” I warn.

“I heard she put up a fight, too. I do love a fighter.” The rage bubbles, boiling my blood as it reaches my head, ready to burst a blood vessel. I see the flicker of desire in his eyes, his lip twitching as he said it.

“What was that?” I ask with a scowl, trying to keep it at bay for a minute longer, because as soon as I unleash it this cunt is dead. My head tilts, “Say that again, I fucking dare ya…”

He smiles. “I’m gonna take that sweet piece of ass, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

“You sure?”

I tighten my grip as he laughs. “I don’t think you got the balls?” He taunts as my finger grazes the trigger, and at the last minute, I point the muzzle downward and squeeze. A bullet lodges in his knee, and he collapses, crying out like the pussy he is.

“You motherfucker!” He falls to his fat ass and cups his knee in both hands.

“Now, tell me about Mac.” I crouch in front of him, keeping my distance at arm’s length and rest my elbows on my knees.

“Not a fucking chance.” He grinds out through his teeth.

I pull back the hammer, reloading my gun, ready to put a bullet between his eyes, when the sound of Luna’s voice distracts me.


She sounds in distress. As I turn my head her way I’m knocked to the ground, my cannon drops out of my hand and skitters a little way away from me just as he pins me with his body. I manage to get a foot free, so I kick out as hard as I can, moving my body along with it to escape.

As I manage to flip him over, I crawl from under him and stamping my foot on the back of his leg, I reach for my gun again, just as I get my fingers to it as my leg is taken from under me and I hit the deck. He swings a right hook and catches my jaw while bracing his weight on his good knee. I pound his stomach and as he doubles up, I punch him over and over in the face. He’s breathless when I stop as he lies flat on the ground as I grasp the handle again. I steady my arm, hold him down with my foot on his chest and find Luna again.

“The kid?” Her head shakes slightly, and her head dips. “Fuck.” Tightening my jaw and pushing back my emotion for the loss of an eighteen-year-old kid, my lip curls as I look at the piece of trash on the ground and I don’t hesitate. No last requests: I squeeze the trigger and watch as the bullet finds its way to his head, lodging itself between his eyes as they instantly become fixed and dilated as the bullet buries itself in his skull. “Don’t mess with me, you son of a bitch.” More shots ring out and Reaper buries two more bullets into the other guy and I put one into this guy's chest, for good measure.

“Frisco,” Pres calls out as he charges across the compound. “Get rid of these fucking scumbags, would ya. You and Snake go drop them on their doorstep. Motherfuckers.”

As I turn away from the body on the ground, Pres is standing behind me. “What did he mean?”

“Who?” I try to play dumb, but he won’t let up until he knows, he heard him talk about Mac. And Luna.

“Don’t play fucking dumb, Chains.” I leave him grumbling to make my way across to Luna. Her tears coat her cheeks, the kid’s blood staining her hands. I take them in mine, smoothing my thumbs over her knuckles.

She lifts her head and fixes her gaze on my face. Her features twisting with the pain of losing someone; losing a kid who had barely lived. “He died, Levi.” Uncontrollable tears track down her face as her body shifts forward slightly and rests forehead against my body, and cries, winding her arms around me. I hold her as tight as I possibly can, giving her the comfort she evidently needs.

“Shhhh,” I soothe, “it’s okay, baby.”

“It’s not. He died, Levi. He was a just a kid.” she cries, her shoulders shaking with her sobs. “We tried to save him. Doc thought it would be an easy in and out, get the bullet out and stitch him up,” she sniffs through her explanation. I stroke her head, still soothing her as she recounts the details. “The bullet must have hit an artery, he just…” she sniffs, “bled out on the table.”

It’s okay, shhh.” I press my lips to her head, letting them linger as I inhale her sweet scent mixed with ammonia from the kid’s blood.