Page 42 of Saving Chains

“I guess so,” I answer cautiously. “Where is this going?” I frown.

“And Pres doesn’t know anything?” His eyes narrow as he waits on my answer.

“No.” I answer quietly, making sure I tread carefully.

He nods his head, smirking. “Well, your secret is safe with me.” He swigs from his bottle and on a swallow continues. “Although, if you want my opinion, Chains is a very lucky guy.”

“That’s sweet, thank you. And if you ask me, any girl that lands you will hit the jackpot.” I wink before drinking from my bottle and heading into the kitchen to start putting some snacks in baskets for the tables. I really want to start doing bar meals, wings, ribs, fries, that kind of thing. Maybe I could make it happen. It’s crazy how ideas present themselves when you’re keeping yourself busy.

With my head in business mode now, I grab a notebook and pen and begin writing down a list of what I could serve. “Hey, what do you think about doing bar meals?” I ask, taking myself out of the kitchen and back into the bar, but as I round the door, three guys have walked in and are looking around. “Oh, hi.” I call out and one after another they look my way. I smile politely and place the notebook on the back of the bar. All three of them nod my way before eyeing Frisco for a beat, then find themselves a table over the far side to sit down. Frisco glances at me while every so often they look around and watch me. I fix a smile to my face, my mood somewhat lighter now than it was, and make my way over.

“Hi guys, what can I get for you today?”

“Well, aren’t you a pretty little thing?” One guy says as he glances up, his eyes dark as he gazes at me.

“Thanks,” My tone reaches a higher pitch, “but I’m here to take your order. What can I get you from the bar?”

“Three beers,” another says. I nod and turn away, quickly making my way back and around the safety of the oak. I’m never nervous around bikers, I’ve grown up with them, but these guys are putting me on edge. I grab three beers from the fridge and take the caps off.

“You alright?” Frisco asks, turning his questioning gaze on the guys. I nod, hoping I can convince him they’re probably just passing through. But there’s something about the look of them that makes me wary.

“I’m good.” My smile doesn’t reach my eyes, but still I put the bottles onto a tray and take them over. “Here you go guys.” I place each bottle in front of them and with a tight smile I say, “If you need anything else just holler.”

Just as I go to turn away, one guy stops me with his hand on my thigh, his fingers slipping round to the inside of my leg.

“I see something I want already.” His voice deep and gravelly as his fingers grip tightly.

“It’s not that kind of place,” My teeth grit as I reach down, prising them from my flesh. “But if you’d like something from the bar, I’d be willing to accommodate.” With a step back from his reach, I hold his gaze, just to let him see that he doesn’t scare me.

“Hey dude. Keep your hands to yourself, yeah.” Frisco says, posing it as a question but I hear the command as he slips from his stool and stands tall.

“It’s ok, I got this.” I tell him, not wanting him to get into anything for me, especially since it’s three to one. The bearded guy holds his hands up in defense with a smirk playing on his lips. The other two snigger like children, so while their focus is elsewhere, I use the excuse to walk back over to the bar. “Another one?” I nod at Frisco’s almost empty bottle.

“Maybe not. I’ll have a soda instead.” I pass him one from the cooler. “I’d rather keep my wits about me.” He states quietly, “I don’t want those guys to think they’ve got the upper hand.”

On that note, I quickly change the subject. “Hey, what do think about bar snacks.” I lean forward planting my elbows on the bar and lean over it, “I was thinking wings and ribs, fries, that kind of thing.”

Frisco nods encouragingly, “I think it’s a great idea.”

A wolf whistle comes from the other side of the bar. “Assholes.” I say loud enough for Frisco to hear then stand back upright and huffing, “Hey guys,” I say walking over, but keep a safe distance so he can't touch me again. “More beers?”

“Yes please, gorgeous.” My eyes roll but I mask it with a tight-lipped smile.

“Of course. Can I get you anything else?”

“Not just yet, not unless you want to park that pretty little ass here,” and he taps his leg.

“Three more beers coming right up.” I say, ignoring his last comment.

As I reach Frisco, I see his cell in his hand and he’s typing out a message. I round the bar; Frisco sets his focus on me as he puts his cell away. “Those guys are the Savage Souls. You know who once rode for them?”

I shake my head. “I haven’t a clue.”

“Mac.” Just that one name sends a shiver shooting down my spine, and not in a good way either.

“Oh.” They never come this way; I wonder if they are looking for him, too.

“What happened between him and Chains.” I shrug, hoping it’s enough that I don’t have to explain.