Page 24 of Saving Chains

Reap shrugs, “He wouldn’t say.”

“And I’ve been dragged away from Luna for this shit.” I huff, about to turn round and head back to my bike.

Reaper’s hand connects with my chest, the force of his hand stopping me from going any further, “Hang on Chains, he doesn’t even know you were there. I told him you were balls deep in some bunny. He doesn’t know anything about what happened last night, and he definitely doesn’t know that you’re sniffing around her again.” He removes his hands from me and nods once firmly.

“I am not fucking sniffing like a dog. I care about her; I’ve always fucking cared about her Reap.” I glance away to see some activity at the other end of the compound but ignore what’s going on and concentrate on my own tribulations.

“I know.” Reap mutters and glances away for a split second, “Look let’s go see what he wants, the sooner we have this meeting, the better. Then you can get back there, but without telling him what went on with Mac…”

“Cunt.” I blurt out, seething every time his name is mentioned.

He gives me the eye. “You say nothing to Pres about what’s going on with Luna. And me and you will deal with Mac when the time is right.”

“If Mac has any kind of sense in that thick fucking head of his, he’ll leave town after the beating he had last night.”

“Amen to that, but I don’t think he’s that clever.” After I told Reaper what had happened to Luna, he wanted to jump on his Harley and ride out to find him. He was as wound up as I was. Reaper and I have been close since I first came to join the MC. He watched on as I made prospect and he’d had already made VP when I got patched in.

Heavy boots sound as we walk through the bar and I nod at the other guys drinking and playing pool. Fuck me, these fuckers start drinking earlier and earlier. My head shakes as I follow Reaper through to Pres’ office. We head to Church and go in but there’s only Pres, another vaguely familiar guy and our Road Captain, Snake. The fucker has a bald head with a tat of a snake on it, the head trailing down the back of his ear and around to the front, like a snake is actually wrapped around his neck.

My gaze locks on the other guy, familiarity hitting me as he nods at us. It’s then I realize he’s the guy from the bar. If I remember rightly, he’s Luna’s friend but, right now, that’s all I know about him. I’ve never trusted easily, probably because of my past, but being in the joint made it worse. Trust no fucker.

“Pres.” I nod his way. He leans back in his chair and holds an arm out to the chairs for us to sit.

“Chains, Reaper, this is Liam Roberts. He’s passing through from California, was looking to maybe join us. I thought you could show him round, he’ll be staying in the compound for a few weeks.”

Reaper nods at him, “We met in the bar last night.”

“Why this one?”I ask, curiosity getting the better of me.

“Chains I don’t need you to question.”

“It’s good.” Liam pipes up, but I can feel the deep scowl in my brow. “Luna and I have known each other for a long time. I know Pres here; I thought it would be good to drop by. I’m not with a club.”

“You rogue?” Reaper asks, butting in.

“Have been for a long time.” I can see why they call him Country; it seems he’s travelled the country, but the name I gave him the other night fits much more aptly. His blonde, shoulder-length hair is scraped back into a bun and has blue eyes. Yeah, pretty boy is sticking.

“Alright then, pretty boy.” I nod, back to wondering how he knows Mac. “How do you know Mac?”

“Met him on the road, did some jobs together, that sort of thing.”

“Do you trust him?” Reap nudges me in the ribs discreetly.

“Chains.” Pres warns,

“Well,” I ask, ignoring Pres, “Do ya?”

He smirks, a slight frown marring his brow, “Yeah… I think so. For the most part anyway.” A huff escapes his lips, “I have to ask you though, he’s your brother, do you trust him?”

“Nope.” My answer is immediate. I see Pres’s eyes narrow as I answer, but I don’t fucking care what he thinks.

“Or is it because he was getting close to Luna?”Pretty boy asks stupidly.

My lips snarl at the mention of him and Luna, and I have to remember where I am because if I let my temper get the better of me, I’ll be dropping out everything that happened last night. And that’s no good for anyone, most of all Luna.

“Okay, no more of the pissing contest.” Reaper says, stepping in to diffuse the situation, “Pres what do you need?”

“I want Chains to keep him with him.” He looks to me and smirks.