Page 15 of Saving Chains

Luna leans on the edge of the bar and looks up when she hears my thud cross the floor as I move through the bar. Mac sits on a stool with a beer and another guy stands at her side, looking a little too comfortable for my fucking liking. I drag my gaze from the pretty boy with Luna and see Frisco at the other end of the bar, so before I deal with that, I go to him first.

“Hey, dude.” I greet him as I bend slightly and rest my arms on the bar. “Where’s Reap?”

“Oh, he had some club business to attend to.” Since I’m not allowed to get involved in anything right now, I’m totally out of the loop.

“What kind of business?”

“Picking some money up.” Frisco eyes me briefly, “He asked me to come here with Mac.” My gaze slides to Mac again just as Luna laughs at something the other guy is saying. I nod at Frisco and slap him on the shoulder. I reach Mac with just a few steps and lean on the bar beside him. “Lulu?”

She fixes her gaze on mine. Getting the death glare from Luna makes my day, I lift a brow in a challenge and smirk back. Yes, I’m a sick fucker, winding her up gives me a thrill. I chuckle to myself, I know that she hates that name.

“Why are you a dick, Levi?”

I cock my head, “Because I can. I’ll just grab a beer.” I turn to my side and rest my weight on my elbow. “So, who’s this?” I lift my chin at the blonde guy with Mac.

“Country.” His hand shoots out in front of him. “I’m sorry, you are?”

“The fuck’s it got to do with you.” My face twists into a scowl as I ignore his attempt to shake my hand. I don’t want to be friends, who the fuck is this guy? Luna holds my beer out and I take it. “Can I have a word?”

“I’m not sure we have anything to say?” Luna tells me but doesn’t meet my gaze.

“I have plenty to say, so if you don’t want to add anything it’s fine by me, I just want a chance to tell you what I need to.”

She looks at the blonde guy, and as I follow her eyes, I find Mac staring at her.

“Oi moron, did your momma never tell you it was rude to fucking stare.” This guy gets my fucking back up.

She sighs heavily and nods, I know it’s to take me out of an awkward situation. “Fine. Over here.” She steps from around the bar and takes my arm, dragging me with her. I follow her lead over to the opposite corner and lean against the wall, making sure Luna stands in front of me, just so that fucking prick can’t distract her. I lift my bottle to my lips, swallowing a small amount and then drop my hand to my side, with the bottle hanging loosely in my fingers. She looks around before returning to me, “So what do you want?”

“I want to call a truce.”

“A truce? I didn’t realize we were at war.”

“Look Lu, I know you’ll probably never forgive me for what I did all those years ago, but I had damn good reason.”

“Really? How about you extend on that and tell me, because all I remember was that you walked away from me, and I was the one that was made to feel shitty because of it.”

“It’s complicated, babe.”

“Don’t call me babe.” I reach for her hand, but she moves away to slide them in her back pockets.

Sighing, I glance away, giving me a second to breathe. “I spent seven years thinking about you. I didn’t know where you were, what you were doing, whether you were married, nothing. Nobody told me anything, not even Reaper. Bro code didn’t come into play then, did it? And good old dad wasn’t very forthcoming where you were concerned.”

“And why would he? You broke my heart… I trusted you.” She moves a hand to her hip as her nostrils flare as she tilts her head to one side, “But you couldn’t wait to flaunt that slut in my face the other night, could ya?”

“When?” I raise my voice slightly.

“Oh please.” Her eyes roll skyward, “Your coming home party...”

“You were there?” I feel my eyebrows meet in the middle in a scowl. I honestly don’t remember, I thought it was a dream.

“If you’re gonna treat me like an idiot Levi, you can forget this conversation ever happened.” She goes to spin on her heel but I soon stop her.

“Honestly, I don’t remember.” I take my hand from her arm, “I was fucked up that night. I thought I was having dreams about you after that, it must’ve been flashbacks. I haven’t done anything in the joint. No drugs, no alcohol. I’ve done cold turkey and I’m better for it.” I was majorly fucked up before I went inside, and I know that. “Come on Lu, give me some fucking credit.”

With a heavy sigh, she briefly looks into my eyes before looking away again. “Fine.”

“Damn, you look amazing, I haven’t seen you in so long.”