Page 9 of Saving Chains

I blink and huff, “Yeah, yeah. I’m coming.”

Fuck. When in hell did she come back? I close the door and turn the lock so no one else can just walk in and I go around the large oak table to take my seat.

Pres bangs the gavel on the table. “First order of service.” He turns to me and points the gavel in my direction, “Stay the fuck away from my daughter. She doesn’t need your shit, Chains.”

“It’s great to be back.” I answer sarcastically, only because sarcasm is what I do best. I settle back in my seat, folding my arms across my chest and let him carry on with a smirk on my face.

“She’s doing well for herself. Which brings me to the next item on the agenda.” He looks at all the brothers. “Luna is going to be opening a bar. I want it guarded at all times. My daughter is not to be left alone there. There’re enough enemies on the street.” He glances at me. “I don’t want any harm to come to her. Do you all hear me?”

“Pres.” One by one, they answer.

“When’s this bar opening? And who do you want guarding her?” I ask, fishing for answers. I'll do what I can to be near her.

“That’s her choice. If it was me, I’d say Popeye and Reaper.”

“As long as it isn’t me, eh Pres?”

“Yeah, Chains. As long as it isn’t you.” The silence is long as we glare at each other, but he’s the first to look away.

“How are we on finances?” He dismisses me, soon turning to the treasurer and I shake my head. The rest of Church is over in a blur. I don’t listen to what’s going on, because all I can think about is Luna.

“Reaper, keep Chains away from anything that looks dodgy, at least until he’s seen his probation officer.”

“I am here you know?” I lean forward and rest my elbows on the top of the table and clasp my fingers.

“Pres,” Reaper answers him. My eyes roll as far as they can go, folding my arms across my chest and let Pres finish up. It seems I’m just a spectator right now. I may as well be a goddam prospect again for how much business I can get involved in.

So much for respect.



Irefuse to look back at him.

I won’t… no, I can’t. I keep my head up, my eyes front, and just keep walking and somehow, I manage to get out of the room without turning around. As soon as I turn the corner and hear the lock click though, I suck a deep satisfying breath in and let it out slowly, placing my back against the wall and resting my head back. God, he still infuriates me. How does he do that? I haven’t seen him since before he went inside. Seven years.

My ears prick up at the sound of the lock clicking open, and I scarper as quickly as I can. Or at least as fast as my heels will allow. I run into the restroom to hide out as I hear voices all talking at once, echoing in the hall as they waltz past. Once it quietens down, I open the door and look out. With the coast clear, I push to my tiptoes and glide down the hall. I run out of the door to my car and when I don’t see anyone, I put my heel down and walk normally, hitting the key lock on the fob of my car and open the door.

“So, Luna…”

I spin around at the sound of his voice. “What do you want, Chains?”

“Chains? What happened to Levi? You know you’re the only other person I let you call me that, other than my mom, of course.”

My breath hitches at his small truth, but a pang of sadness tugs at my heart at the mention of his mom too.

I push my momentary lapse of feeling back into its box. He looks at me. The circles beneath his eyes are dark against the paleness of his face. He drags on his cigarette and blows the smoke out. “I haven’t got all day. I have shit to do.” I deter from saying his name again, either his real name or his road name.

“Why a bar? I thought you wanted away from club life?” He stands up straight, takes one last puff on his cigarette and flicks it away. The smoke billows from his lips as he steps up toward me.

“No. I believe I just wanted away from you.”

He stops inches away from me, his hand clutches his heart in a wounded action before delving into my soul with his eyes. Fuck. I need to find the willpower to stand my ground. He takes a spearmint from his pocket and slowly unwraps it, his fingers peeling back the packaging. Like he’s undressing me. Jesus, I shouldn’t be feeling these things. He places the stick of gum between his teeth and bites down, breaking half of it off and offers it to me.

“No thanks.”

“Shame. There was a time you’d have shared anything with me.”