He looks away briefly, allowing me to think I got the better of him, but I don’t see his hand swinging toward my face. The back of his hand strikes me, the inside of my mouth slams sharply against my teeth while my cheekbone feels like it’s going to pop.
He stands and calls over his friend. “Watch her, and if she moves, shoot her in the fucking leg. I’ll find the cunt.”
Mac disappears from sight as the other guy appears in front of me. His arms crossed and his legs firm, standing guard over me. He isn’t too big; average height, he doesn’t even look that scary…it doesn’t mean he’s not dangerous though. I need to keep my wits about me.
The inside of my mouth stings and the metallic taste of blood coats my mouth. I lift my tied hands to my face and press my fingers lightly to the corner of my mouth and see blood as I pull them away. Bastard.
“Hey,” I shout up at my watchman. He drops his gaze down, looks me in the eye for a split second then shifts his gaze away again. “Hey!” I shout louder. “I need to pee.”
“I don’t give a fuckin’ shit!”
I need to get off this floor and try to make an escape. I need to get word to Levi. Or Dad, but then I hear a round fired. My heart stops briefly, a gasp catching in my throat. It’s then I hear Mac’s voice again.
“Get the fuck in there before I blow your fucking brains out.” Looking through the legs of the tables that have been pushed out of place, I see him dragging Liam along.
“Shut fucking up.” He points the gun at me as he rounds the tables and shoves Liam back to the ground.
I see the blood all over his face, where it’s come from his nose, and from his mouth. “Hey, babe.” He grins around a mouthful of blood. “I tried to keep him away from you, I did, I promise.”He’s breathless, like it pains him to speak.
A feeling of guilt pangs in my heart. He shouldn’t have taken a beating for me. “Are you shot?” He shakes his head. “But I heard a shot fired.”
Mac lifts his foot and puts another boot into Liam’s rib, rolling him to his back. “I got two bullets left in this,” Mac waves his gun in the air, “and one of them is for your boyfriend.” He grips the gun tightly in one hand while he dips his other hand into his pocket. “Why don’t we give the motherfucker a call. Let’s see if he’s ready to come and save your pretty little ass.”
We form a single line, running towards the bar with guns cocked and keep them close to our chests. The perimeter is quiet, strangely quiet, and it makes me nervous. As I reach the side of the bar, my cell rings. I glance at Reaper and reach inside my pocket, I pull it out and look at the screen, when there’s no caller I.D, my brows pinch tightly, as a sneer tugs at my top lip. Reaper stops and comes to my side. I show him my screen and shift it to my ear.
“Now, that is not a nice way to greet me, Chains,” he puts emphasis on my name like it’s left a sour taste in his mouth.
“Fuck you.I sneer. What the fuck do you want?”
“I’ve got a little friend of yours with me.”
My heart races as anger fills me, “Don’t fuck with me Mac. It won’t end well for you.”
He laughs. “Me, you, and Luna here, are going to have a little chat. Just us.” Something inside of me snaps s my fingers grip my cell, squeezing it as my temper soars.
“Let her fucking go.”
“You don’t know how this hostage thing works do you. Mind you, I’m not surprised, you didn’t have much of an upbringing…”
“Why don’t you go fuck yourself. Because when I get inside there, I’m gonna fuck you up so badly.”Reaper and I share a look. “I’m right outside, open the fucking door.” I cut the call and shove it back in my pocket.
“FUCK.” I yell, kicking the ground, wishing he was right in front of me.
“Chains. Don’t go in there alone.” Reaper warns.
“I’ll be fine. But if you hear shots fired, then you better come rescue him because if I get my hands on him, I won’t fucking stop. You got that?”