Page 6 of Saving Chains

The door to my apartment slams hard, a little harder than necessary, but I’m so pissed. My flatmate pops her head up over the side of the couch. “I’d like to keep that door on its hinges,” she smirks until she sees my face, “it didn’t go well then?”

“Ugh. Don’t ask.” I slump down into the chair and cross my leg over the other. Neve sits up and focuses on me, leaning forward and resting her elbows on her knees.

“What happened?”

“I didn’t get to ask him, because he was with some old fucking slut.” Neve lifts an eyebrow and waits patiently for more of an explanation. “One of the members was released from prison today and they threw him a welcome home party. Dad doesn’t conduct business when one of the brothers returns home. He told me to go back tomorrow. I didn’t know he was being released.”

I hold her gaze. “Oh okay…” she answers skeptically.She doesn’t know about mine and Levi’s time together. She doesn’t know about how he took my virginity; I’ve never told anyone about how heartbroken I was, so no one knows about us. “So, are you going back tomorrow?” She asks, interrupting my thoughts.

“I guess. I mean I have no choice really.”

“Do you think he’ll agree?”

“I have no idea. I swore I’d never set foot in that goddamn clubhouse again.”

Neve rests her chin on her hands and focuses on me, “When will you trust me enough to tell me something about your past?”

“It’s not about trust, you just don’t want to know. There are so many things; it’s twisted and fucked up.”

I spring from the couch onto my feet, kicking off my shoes before I go to the fridge and take out a beer. I close the door and hold it up for Neve, “You having one?”

“Why not?”

I grab another and screw the caps off both bottles and go back to the lounge. I pass Neve hers and bring mine to my lips, hoping to numb a little bit of the pain I felt at seeing Levi back. I drop back onto the couch, pull my feet up and shove them beneath my ass.

“So come on, what aren’t you telling me? Is this about that bit of sexiness, Reaper?”

“Jesus, no.” Like she could even think that Reaper and I would be involved like that. I don’t think I’ve ever given off those vibes, anyway.

“No? Man I would climb him like a tree.” I shake my head and smirk. “So, who’s the member that got out of jail? Do I know him?” She cocks an eyebrow, waiting for me to answer.

Instantly, I shake my head in reply and lift my beer back to my lips so I don’t have to answer her.“Do I have to kick your ass?”

With a snigger, I almost choke on my beer, the liquid spilling from the corners of my mouth. I swallow the remains and cough out, “Like you could!” I might not like the whole MC thing, but I can fight, I was taught that well.

“I’m optimistic.”She shrugs as I wipe my mouth from the bit that dribbled out.

“You should be.” I get over my coughing fit and put my bottle on the floor at the side of the couch, tuck myself into the corner and cross my legs. My lips twist up to one side, and a sigh escapes through my nose as I focus on Neve. “His name is Levi Brown. Road name is Chains. He's the Sergeant at Arms for Brothers of Sin.”

“Okay. How long has he been in jail? Why have I never heard you talk about him?”

“Because he’s been tucked up here,” I tap my temple, “and here…” I cover my heart with my palm, chewing on the inside of my mouth as I wait for her judgment, but as always, it doesn’t come.

“What happened?”

“There’s so many layers to his story,” I sigh, “Neve, even I don’t know everything. I remember the scared kid who was hungry and bruised… I remember having a connection with him and trying to help him.”

“You looked out for him?”

“I did. Back then, my father believed in seeing the good in someone. I saw the good in him. He took my virginity and I have no idea what happened then.”

“What did he go to jail for?”

A cynical snigger escapes my lips, “You know nothing about club life, do you? You never find out the reason why one of the brothers goes to jail. They keep it between themselves, like a kind of oath.”

“Okay, so where does Reaper come into all this?”

“Reaper is Levi’s best friend. There’s nothing between Reaper and me, he’s been like a brother to me since he joined the club. We’re friends, that’s all. I’m not sure what actually happened between Levi and me, but I do know that if Levi finds out I had sex with one of his brothers, shit will hit the fan, big time.” Fuck me, having sex with one of the club members is a bad idea that topped all the shitty ideas I’ve had since I was sixteen and met Levi, and I’m twenty-five now, for fucks sake. With Levi back now things are going to be impossible.