Page 51 of Saving Chains

“What about his parents, his siblings? Did he have anyone?” I can’t even answer those questions because I’m embarrassed to say I didn’t ask. I don’t ask about families when kids join up because it’s one of those taboo subjects. I used to hate it when I was asked about my background. I would never put a kid like me in that position. If someone wants to talk, they’ll brace the subject. “God, this is what I hate about this life.”

“Hey, look at me.” With the slight movement of her head, I reach between us, grasping her chin softly and bring her head up to look me in the eye. “No one will get hurt again, you hear me?” Her lips are swollen, and her eyes are lined red from all the crying. “I know you think it’s dangerous and people get killed for the sake of it, but it’s not like that. We protect people. We protect our own, baby.” Turning her in my arms, I place her back against my front and point, “Look over there. That’s us protecting our own. They might get in here, but they don’t fucking leave the same way.” She nods slowly, I just want to wrap her up in cotton wool and lock her in my bedroom in the clubhouse, because if anyone tries to hurt her again like Mac did, I can’t even begin to imagine what I’ll do to them. “Do you trust me to protect you?” She nods instantly as her gaze sears into mine, her green eyes darkening as her lips push into a pout for a kiss. I don’t hesitate, I claim her lips with mine, my hands sliding over her cheeks to shift the loose hair from her face, wipe the tears away and hold her tightly, kissing her tenderly. “I love you, Lu.” As she breaks our kiss, a breath shudders through her chest. “Why don’t we go and get you cleaned up?”

Closing my eyes as she turns and buries her head in my chest again, I wrap my arms around her and kiss her head.

I look to my side and see Pres. His eyes dark and his face twisting with anger as he looks between us, Luna’s hands and clothes laced with blood and then all around us, the carnage that has been caused. I need to talk to you two. Now.” He stomps off and I sigh. I know exactly what this is about.

“Luna, your dad wants us.” She lifts her head and wipes her hands over her face. “We need to tell him about what Mac did.”

Panic crosses her features as she lifts her head. “No. You promised.”

“It’s completely out of my hands, babe.”

“He’ll kill him.”

“Good, it saves me doing it.” We walk in the direction Pres left in just as Country comes into the compound, my eyes narrow and my hackles rise. I’ve dealt with enough assholes today, but I can always fit in one more. More questions enter my head as his engine stills, and he lifts his helmet from his head. Where the fuck has he been while all of this has been happening? “Wait there.”I take her arms from around me and march toward Country.

As Country brings his leg from over his bike, I shove himm. “Where the fuck were you?”

His arms swing out to find his balance against his bike. “Whoa, what the fuck man?” He steadies himself and hangs his helmet on his handlebars, shoving his shoulders back and puffing out the little bit of muscle he has in his chest.

“Where the fuck have you been? Answer me.”

“Around.” He shrugs.

“Around? That’s all you have in explanation?” I see Reaper rushing over with Luna tailing him.

“Fuck off. I don’t have to explain anything to you.”

“That’s what you fucking think, buddy. I’m your fucking sergeant. Now give me some answers and I might let you live.”I pull my gun out of the waistband of my jeans where I shoved it earlier and point it at him.

“Chains.” Reaper yells, “put down the fucking gun.”

I keep it trained on Country, not planning on backing down until I have the answers I need, and he sighs, casting his gaze toward the ground for a moment, “Okay…” he brings his hands up in front of him, “I'm sorry. You deserve more respect than that.”

“Damn fucking straight I do.” I stare at Country, it’s no secret that I don’t fully trust him, but the fact that he knows Mac, and is old friends with him, still grinds my gears. Did he have something to do with today? Is that why he hasn’t been around?

“Where’s Mac?” I ask him, a little calmer now.

“I don’t fucking know. I haven’t seen him since that night in Luna’s bar. Get a fucking grip, Chains.”

“Chains, put the fucking gun away.” Reaper demands, and with a quick glance at Reaper and the scared look on Luna’s face I do what he asks and place it back in my jeans.

“Come on guys, let's take it inside.” Reaper pleads as I straighten my cut and push my own shoulders back this time.

He looks between myself, Luna and Reaper, “What the fuck’s going on?” Country asks lowering his tone.

“You have no fucking idea!” I yell, grabbing his cut in my fists and shoving him backward.

“Then fucking tell me.” He yells back in my face. “I’m not here to cause trouble or betray the club, Chains.”

“Levi, please? He wouldn’t do that.” Luna adds. I guess she knows him better than me. I release him but shove him again and turn away, my hands going to my hips as I attempt to even out my ragged breaths, hoping to cool my temper off first.

“I gotta see Pres first,” I say, turning back to face him, “but then me and you are having a chat.”

I grab Luna’s hand, linking our fingers and head towards the clubhouse with Luna trying to keep in step with me.