Page 5 of Saving Chains

“I don’t know who the fuck she thinks she is, but I’m better than her.”

A brow lifts at her statement, “Darlin’ you’ll never be her,” I wink, “what’s your name anyway?” My head shakes. The last thing I want to do is get dragged into conversation. I got what I wanted. My balls are empty, she served her purpose.

Her eyes roll, “Donna,” they then take on a pissed off glare. “Maybe you should ask important questions before you screw someone.”

Sniggering, I step up to her again, “Sweetheart, I don’t need your name when I’m fucking you or even when you’re sucking my balls dry,” hooking my finger beneath her chin, I lift her chin and meet her eyes, “you just need to know mine for when you’re screaming it out loud and I believe you’ve already done that.” I place my lips on her cheek, leave a kiss and turn back to go inside.

“Over my dead body, Chains,” she screams.

“Whatever floats your boat, sweetheart. I’m not opposed to that idea…”

“You’re fucking sick.” She screams again, but I take no more notice of her squealing like a fucking banshee, and with my palms flat against the heavy door, I shove it open and go back inside where I prop up the bar and order more whiskey.

An hour later, I’m out of my head, staggering back to my room with Reaper holding me up. “We really need to work on your drinking skills. You could drink more than this when you were seventeen.”

I turn my blurry gaze to my brother. “Where is she?”

“Where’s who? Donna the cum guzzler?”

I sigh heavily, shaking my heavy ass head. “You know who I’m talking about.” I slur.

Even in my fucked-up state, I can feel his eyes on me as the disapproval rolls from him. “Leave it alone, Chains.” He slides his gaze across to me but must take sympathy on me because he lets out a long sigh, “She didn’t stay long, in fact, she left not long after she arrived. One look at you must’ve scared her away.”

“Fuck off, man.” I spit.

“Don’t go there. Please, do yourself a favor, bud. It’s not worth it.” We stop walking and I try to focus on him. The questions I want to ask him about Luna get lost in my drunken state, and I lift my head just in time to see the door in front of me.

“She’s always worth it.” I mumble quietly and push my hand to the door to hold me up.

The way Reaper looks at me in that split second, tells me he heard me. “Where’s your key?”

Shoving my free hand into my pocket, I fish my keys out and dangle them in front of him. Without him holding me up, I have zero balance and fall slightly forward; my forehead hits the wood with a light thud. I hear the click of the lock, but I’m too drunk to move. My head feels heavy. He opens the door anyway, and I lose my balance. My arm flails as I reach out for the wall or something, but the ground comes up to meet me. “Fuck!” I groan as I hit the floor with a thud and attempt to push up to my hands and knees. Once I’m up, I crawl across the floor to the bed.

“You fucking idiot,” Reaper laughs, “come on, let me help.” I think I wave him off and grunt, but Reaper grabs my arm anyway to bring me to my feet, within seconds I fall backwards on the bed.

“Sleep it off, lightweight.” Reaper calls out and somewhere in the distance I hear the door close. I don’t remember going to sleep, just everything going dark.



Levi fucking Brown. If I knew then what I know now, I would never have helped the bastard. What the fuck is he doing out? I could’ve sworn he had more time left inside. He’s a far cry from the sixteen-year-old I knew. He's filled out, it’s not surprising, he has spent the last seven years behind bars. God, seeing him again stirs up so many old memories, but I refuse to get involved again. I can’t. I promised my dad that I wouldn’t go near him again, and I won’t. But goddammit, he looked good. Every nerve ending in my body is on edge.

Wolf whistles sound as I walk through the bar, and if I had one dirty look off one slut then I had twenty. I’ll never understand what these guys see in them. I hold my head high as my gaze flits around the room until it falls on Reaper, standing in the corner by the bar. He stares at me as he lifts his glass to his lips. Lifting my chin, I turn away and head out to find my father.

When I reach his room, I knock twice and wait. When I get no reply, I head for Church at the back of the clubhouse. When I see the door ajar, I peer through the gap to see him in his chair with a whiskey in his hand. I lift my hand, rapping my knuckles lightly on the door before going inside, “Dad?”

He looks over and frowns, “What are you doing here?”

“Nice to see you too.” I answer with a hint of sarcasm. I’ll admit, I don’t see my father all that much. I don’t like to depend on him, and hate coming here even more. If I don’t come here though, he definitely won’t come and see me. Tonight, though, I’m here for a reason, and it definitely wasn’t to come to Levi’s coming home party. I miss the relationship we used to share when I was younger. I venture further into the room, slipping my fingers in the back pockets of my pants and lean my thigh against the edge of the table. “I need to talk to you about something.”

“Not tonight,”

I’m taken aback at his abruptness, but I should know better. “You don’t know what I’m going to say.”

A door opens from the other side of the room and another slut walks in, dressed in a whole ensemble of slutty underwear. I look her up and down, shaking my head then turn back to him. “Nice to see nothing changes.” I spin around and walk out.

“Come back tomorrow,” my father shouts to my back. I let the door slam behind me and make a quick exit out of the clubhouse, before I get stopped by Reaper, and definitely before I come face-to-face with Levi again.