Page 48 of Saving Chains

“What if you get hurt? What if I lose you?”

“Not gonna happen, sweetheart.” I indulge her in a soft kiss, pouring all my emotions into it, all my feelings, until we’re coming again and I’m releasing my silent fears, and all the love in my heart for the woman that’s held my heart in her hands for so fucking long.

As my eyes peel open, I find Luna sleeping soundly next to me. We must’ve passed out after the second round. My arms tighten around her as I press a lingering kiss on the top of her head, but as I’m settling back down to sleep, the need to piss hits me. Luna is splayed over me, her leg over both of mine and her head on my chest. I hate to disturb her, but I have to. I lift her leg from mine as gently as I can and place it back down, holding her head steady as I slide from beneath her, she groans in her sleep as I stand. She hates being disturbed. I watch her for a second before quickly making my way to the toilet. My bladder empties quickly, but as I’m flushing the toilet and washing my hands, I hear a noise out in the yard. Probably a skunk or something. I trot on soft feet back to the bedroom ready to get in bed and retake my place next to sleeping beauty, when a crash outside has me on high alert. “What the fuck,” I whisper to myself. Finding my gun, I check it’s loaded and leave it on the nightstand as I pull on some sweats quickly and push my bare feet into my sneakers, then grab my gun again. I pull back the hammer, lift it to my chest and make my way to the door. I hear music coming from inside the clubhouse, swiftly noticing that it’s almost 3 am.

A bang rings out, then glass smashes. “Fuck.” I close the door quickly and run back to Luna just as the commotion wakes her. “Babe,” A rough whisper has her blinking, attempting to get her eyes to open. “Get some clothes on and hide in the bathroom. Don’t come out until I tell you to.”

“Levi. What the hell is happening!”

I quickly kiss her. “Just do as I say. I’ll come find you.”

Pulling my gun back to my chest and heading out into the hall, I press my back to the wall, sliding along it until I reach the main room. The sound of guns firing echoes around the place, the bar is shot to hell.

“Chains, where’s Luna?”

I hear Reaper’s voice. Snapping my head around, I look for him and find him hiding behind an upturned table, I cross the space and drop to my knees at his side. “She’s safe.”

Bullets fly around the room as we and the rest of the brothers return fire. The kid behind the bar pops his head up. “Kid, get down and stay down!” I yell, but he doesn’t hear me, then everything happens in slow motion. As a bullet moves through the air, I don’t see it hit him but my breath stalls as I watch him drop to the ground.




Panic engulfs me as rounds of gunfire are released into the clubhouse. My heart pounds so hard as I cower down at the side of the bed, too frightened to move anywhere else. My knees are pulled tightly into my chest, and I try to muffle the sound of carnage as I cover my head with my hands.

I slowly open my eyes and look down at myself, remembering I’m still naked. So, as I remove my hands from my face, I peer around the end of the bed and find my jeans on the floor poking out of the other side. Quickly, I scurry from my hiding place on my hands and knees and snatch them up, hastily planting my ass on the floor and tug them up my legs, swiftly fastening them. I crawl a little further to grab my tank and throw that over my head too. Who knows where my underwear went but I don’t care about that. The only shoes I have here, though, are pumps and I can’t run around in those. I make my way back around to my hiding place and wait, tapping my foot as my impatience builds, wanting to find out what’s going on and who’s attacking us. But after what happened today, I think I know who the culprits are.

My body flinches with every loud crash and bang, it’s then my mind goes into overdrive. What if Levi gets hurt? I won’t even know about it until after it’s happened. I’ll be stuck in this room waiting for the inevitable. Fuck that. Rocking back and forth silently, with my hands clasped around my knees, the possible scenarios fly through my mind.

What if Levi gets shot and calls out for me? He could be bleeding out on the ground from a fatal gunshot wound and I won’t even know because I’m hiding in here like he told me to. Then another thought hits me, and it’s like a knife to the center of my heart, it’s Levi telling me he wants to spend the rest of his life with me; I didn’t get to answer him. He could die not knowing that I want the same as he does. I may have not wanted the whole MC life when I first came back, but so much has happened since then, and now being with Levi again, and seeing how fiercely he loves me, I know that’s the kind of man I want; no, need. Levi is the man I need.

I can’t sit here and just hang around. I’m not a coward. Sighing as I focus on my bare feet, I think fuck it, a few glass cuts on my feet are nothing if Levi has been hurt.

Sucking in a deep breath, I stand and make my way to the door, slowly pulling it open a crack to peer through. Voices yell and glass smashes and even though I’m scared to death, I step out of my hiding place and into the hall. I pause when I realize I’m empty-handed, so I pick up the nearest thing to hand; my shoe. With the heel protruding first I hold it up to my chest and slowly make my way down the hall. I’ve been left unarmed before and it got me attacked. Never again.

My hand tightens around the middle of my shoe, a light tremble is working its way through my body; I have no idea what’s awaiting me.

I keep my back planted against the wall, sliding along until I reach the corner and peer round, hoping I’m not seen. I can run into the communal room from here. I need to get to where the bar is. But I can see the pivotal points from here. Hiding around the corner, I stay out of sight and as my worried gaze flits around, I notice the upturned tables, the chairs on their sides, bullet holes in anything that’s solid. I need to get over to the bar. As I focus on my target, I gasp, my breath catching in my throat when I see it shot up to hell. The fear is running rampant in my body and my hands shake as I prepare to go further, my main focus beingLevi.

I swiftly scan the room, and a surge of relief drowns me when my gaze falls on Levi. He's on his knees and bent over someone. It’s then I drown everything else out and hear him, “Kid, open your eyes, buddy.” Levi urges. “Come on, stay with me.” As much as I’m relieved to see Levi is good, I notice the young prospect has been hit. A surge of panic courses through me and dread fills me. Shit.

“DOC!” Levi shouts out.

I look for Doc, but I don’t see him anywhere. I need to help.

Bullets are still being fired and it has me scared to fucking death, but I need to do this. I duck down and quickly make my way across the room. “Levi!” I call out as loud as I can and hope he’ll hear me over all this noise.

Instantly, his head turns my way. A deep scowl settles between his brows. “What the fuck are you doing?” He stands with his gun aimed and fires a round off. “Run, Lu and keep your head down.” He shoots, covering me as I make the short way across the room toward him. As I reach him, he covers my body with his and brings me to the floor. His hand curls around the back of my neck and he tugs me forward so our noses touch. “Fuck’s sake, Lu. What are you doing out here. I told you to stay put!”

My heart pounds, but for a different reason this time. It’s not because our lips are almost touching, and he makes my knees weak whenever he’s near me, it’s because he’s angry with me. “I know, but I was frightened that you’d get hurt.” I plead my case as my chin wobbles, my emotions overcome me as tears prick at my eyes.

“I’m not gonna get hurt, sweetheart,” the backs of his fingers graze my cheek, “but now you’re here, I suppose you could help." He eyes me, his gaze softening slightly, “Okay, find something to put on his wound and apply some pressure until Doc is with him, and don’t move from here. You get me.” I nod my head frantically. “I mean it Luna, do not move from here.” He brings my head forward to press a hard kiss to my lips, and with a longing look at me and one last glance at the prospect on the ground, he cocks his gun, brings it up to his face he stands and fires back. My body flinches again but I ignore it and scramble to the back of the bar to find something. I quickly find a rag, ball it up and press it against the wound just below his shoulder. A body skidding to a stop next me has my head snapping up and I see Doc. “Oh, thank god it’s you.” My hand goes to my chest as I blow out a sigh of relief.

“Let me see.” He and swaps places with me and takes the cloth away from his wound. I try to remove his cut, but every time I try to take it from his shoulder he screams out.

“I’m sorry.” I tell him, while Doc takes a knife from his ankle and tears the neck of his shirt, and I hold his cut up and out of the way.