Page 44 of Saving Chains

I shake my head, “Not sure what you’re saying.”

“I won’t be fucking happy if I have to find out from someone else who my daughter is currently fooling around with. You know my rule.”

I look him in the eye and tip the one side of my mouth in a grin. “I’ve always been a rule breaker though Pres, you know that.” Pres just cocks his brow. “And what happens if that person is me? You gonna make me go away again?” He chews on the inside of his mouth; I can see he’s looking for the right words to use. Snorting, I shake my head, “Oh, And I don’t fool around.”

“Fuck you Chains, you’re one of the biggest manwhores I know.”

“And who made me that?” I fire back, tapping the top of his arm with a sarcastic look. “I’m gonna get a beer. Like I said earlier, you should talk to her more.”

I go to walk away and get the beer like I said, when he stops me with his words, “Don’t tell me what I should and shouldn’t do.”

“Then don’t expect me to give you the same respect.” I fire back. I do have respect for him though, I always will, no matter what’s happened in the past, he’s my Pres.

Reaper’s head turns from whatever has had his attention for so long and focuses on us. I lift my chin letting him know I’m good, but he looks frustrated and shakes his head. Fuck it, I need a fucking beer.

Luna holds a bottle out for me as I move toward her. “Thanks, sweetheart.” Briefly brushing her fingers with my own, I grab the bottle and take a long pull before banging it back down on the surface and swallowing.

Pres joins us with Reaper at the bar. “I think it’s time we had a chat.” Pres tells Luna. The shade of guilt doesn’t look good on a man that doesn’t give two fucks about who he upsets. He leans one elbow on the counter towards Luna as she glances back at me then turns to her dad, but the determined look in her eyes tells me she won’t make it easy for him.

Her head nods slowly, “Now you want to talk? I wanted to talk earlier. I wanted to talk the other week. You know what Dad, I’ve wanted you to give me just a slither of the attention that you give the whores in the clubhouse, but I never get it.” Her nostrils flare, “I’m your daughter. So, you tell me, why should I give you the attention you want now just because it’s on your terms?”

“Luna.” He warns,

“Don’t Luna me, not in that tone anyway. I’m not a child, not anymore. You can’t shout or try and frighten me with that tone.” Empty bottles clang as they crash against the others in the recycling can, ringing out through the building as she throws them in, her temper getting the better of her. Reaper and I share a look and Frisco keeps his eyes on his beer.

“Give us a minute.” Pres commands.

I look between them but Luna looks straight at me. “No don’t go anywhere, guys.” She directs her glare back at Pres. “We’re all family here, right? So, let’s do this here.”

While they’re having a father-daughter showdown, Reaper and I share a look and I come to a decision. I tilt my head at the door as Reaper nods back. Tapping Frisco’s shoulder; he looks up at me, his eyes wide and following my lead, he slips off the stool as I go around the bar.

“What are you doing?” Luna asks, shifting her fierce gaze from Pres to me, I don’t answer her, instead I scan the counter for the thing I’m looking for, as soon as I see it, I reach over. Luna follows my eyes and goes for the same object but I’m much quicker than her. With a smirk on my face, I snatch her keys up, hold them in my fist and shove my hand behind my back.

“Give me those keys.”Luna demands. But it’s not going to take more than that.

“Nah-ah.” I shake my finger at her, “you said you don’t get his undivided attention, have at it.” I back out of the bar as she advances and crushes the front of her body against mine in an attempt to grab her keys. “No chance, sweetheart.” I step back and round the bar, dangling her keys at her playfully. Her eyes narrow as she glares back at me and I rush for the door with the other two following closely behind me. As soon as we’re out, I slam the door closed, lock it behind us and breathe with the amount of exertion it’s taken to get out of there.

The parking lot is empty of the motherfuckers we slung out not too long ago, so I pull out my smokes and offer one to the others. Reaper takes one and lights us both up.

“What do you think will happen?” Reaper asks.

I suck on my smoke, inhaling a good amount of nicotine and answer him on an exhale. “Hopefully clear the air between them. They always used to be so close.”

“Man, you didn’t see the half of it,” Reaper enlightens me. “While you were still in the joint and Luna came back home, she had so much hostility. Anger for him, anger because of you, she found any reason she could to piss him off, and most of the time it worked.” He sighs as he rolls the butt between his fingers. “Knowing what happened with you and her, Pres found his reason to lay down more ground rules for her… she rebelled.” He shrugs. “It was like being in a war zone. That’s when she got her own place, her and her friend. If you ask me, that’s how she and Mac started fooling around together. She even stopped confiding in me, and she’s always done that.”

After that information and the bit Luna has shared already, I can see why.

“What’s going on with you two?” Reaper asks. “Are you ready to come out of the closet yet?” he smiles while I’m still processing what he’s already told me.

“I’m ready. I don’t give a fuck what Pres says or demands, or anyone else for that matter. I love her. I’ve always loved her.”

“You’re saying that like I didn’t already know that.” Reaper smirks as he lifts his smoke back to his lips. As he inhales a drag, he pulls it away and blows the smoke out, “I knew you had feelings for her all those years back when you left home.”

“Does she know why you went away?” Reaper asks with caution in his tone.

“Yep. I told her.”

Silence falls between us and the only sound is the traffic passing us by, that is until shouting from inside breaks the silence. I turn to look back at the door then at Reaper and he smiles knowingly. “Oh man, you’re in deep fucking shit. The funny part is though, I can’t tell if it’s with Pres or Luna, either way you're getting your ass kicked.”