Page 39 of Saving Chains

“It’s not for your ears, Luna.”Dad says, as patronizing as ever.

“Fine.” I slap Liam’s thigh and jump up from my chair, lean over to kiss Dad’s cheek and make for the door, leaving my chair exactly where it is to show my annoyance. “I’ll make sure I make an appointment to see you in future. I’d hate to waste your time and tear you away from club business.” I yank open the door but hesitate. “See you around, DAD.” I put emphasis on the dad part and waltz out. Completely pointless and five minutes of my time I won’t get back but hey ho, I did what I needed to.

Heading back through the clubhouse I hear music being played, good God, it’s only three p.m. Don’t tell me they’re starting already. The first people I see as I enter the main room are Levi, Reaper and Frisco, standing by the bar chatting together.

“What’s going on then, guys,” Levi’s gaze goes to me as I push myself between Reaper and Frisco throwing my arms around their shoulders.

“Not much.” Reaper replies but Levi’s jaw is tense, like he’s holding back his frustration. Not much, my ass.

“Listen, if Mac’s back around I have the right to know what’s being said and what’s being done about it.” I keep my voice low and my eyes on Levi.

“How was your visit with your dad?” Levi asks casually but he still has that tightness in his face.

“Shit. Next question.”

“Guys,” he looks between them, “give me a minute.” My arms fall to my sides as Reaper and Frisco step away, and Levi closes the distance between us. “I don’t want you to worry about that piece of shit. He’s not going to come anywhere near you.”

“I’m not scared of him, Levi.” He reaches between us and grips my hip bringing our bodies together, my breasts brush his hard chest and the smell of leather from his cut, drifts up my nose. The smell is kind of homely and I love it.

“Yeah? Well, I’m scared that he’ll hurt you. I’m scared that he’ll damage you in ways you won’t come back from and if that happens, I won’t be responsible for my actions.” As our eyes lock on each other, I feel more protected than I have ever been in my life. “You won’t be alone, and if I have to go to Pres and tell him why, I will. I’m ready to own up to my shit and put myself in the firing line for you, I don’t care what he says.” My breath comes out in short spurts. He leans in closer at my side, his stubbly cheek brushing mine, “You’re not to be alone.” He presses a small kiss to the side of my head and pulls away, my eyes close as I savor his touch, the warmth of his breath on my face. “Trust me to handle this.” I nod my head. I am scared. And Levi knows that, we’re so tuned into one another. Other than Reaper, he knows me better than anyone. But he knew the girl, the innocent teenager that was the President’s daughter. He stole her heart when he was just a damaged fifteen-year-old.

“I trust you.”

“That’s my girl.” His hand slides around my neck, firmly holding me in place while I breathe in his clean, manly scent. “I love you.” His soft whispers resonate with me and still all around us the music plays, but it feels like there is only us in this room.

“Chains,” Reaper calls out. “We need to see Pres.” He pulls back from me, putting a little distance between us again.

“Come on, babe, I’ll walk you out.”

I say my goodbyes to Reaper and Frisco, and a few of the others, and start for the clubhouse door. Levi stays close behind me as we step out of the compound and walks me to my car. As my back hits the metal, he cages me in with his arms on either side of me. “You can’t do this here.” I tell him. My breathy voice is the complete opposite of what I’m trying to convey. I can’t help the way he makes me feel. Instead, I lean forward slightly, grabbing his cut in my fists and pull him against me, capture his needy lips and kiss him. A throbbing need pulses inside of me but I ignore it and leave him with a brief kiss. I move my hand between us and stroke the growing hardness in his jeans and smile sexily. “See you later.”

“You fucking tease.” He smiles wide, pressing his forehead to mine. “You’ll pay for that later.”

“Promises, promises.” I push him back softly so I can open my car door.

“Frisco will follow behind, okay?” he reiterates.

I nod again with a brief smile but as I’m getting inside, a voice stops me.

“Well, well, well, this is a surprise.” From over Levi’s shoulder I see Mac walking toward us. Levi whirls around and stands in front of me.

“Either you’ve got bigger balls than I anticipated, or you’ve got shit for brains. I’m actually going with the latter.” Chain growls.

Levi and Mac standoff, I can’t see Levi’s face but I know it will be tight with tension and a deep frown will be seated between his thick brows.

“And I’m sure Pres would love to hear about this.” He points his finger between me and Levi as I close my door.

“I wouldn’t be too cocky if I was you,” I sneer, “because when my father finds out what you did, you’ll be eating your food through a fucking tube.” The smirk drops from his face briefly. I start my car and drive out of there as quickly as I can, putting distance between Mac and me. Now, though, I’m going to be looking over my shoulder all the time. I can’t believe he’s had the nerve to come back, but he’s not going to stop me from living. I won’t show him I’m scared. I’m the President’s daughter, it’ll take more than that to scare me.



Iwatch as Luna leaves, her taillights the last thing I see as she rounds the corner. Now, if I was the sort of guy that could let stupid remarks go, I’d be walking back into the compound and leaving well alone. But if there’s one thing I’m not, it's rational. I have a tendency to not think of repercussions, hence why I ended up in prison and it’s why I became Pres’ sergeant. I pull the pack of cigarettes from my pocket and light one up, taking in a long inhale, and roll my shoulders in the hope I can ease some of this tension. I turn slowly, inhaling more nicotine as I turn and lock eyes with Mac for a second. It's then I hear him laughing, and if there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s mockery. I had enough of that when I was a kid, now though, I’m big enough and mean enough to make that person pay, and not give a fuck.

My feet start moving before I’ve even thought about it and before I can blink, I find myself standing in front of him, looking him dead in the eye. “You know Mac, I can tell there ain’t many brain cells in that stupid fucking head of yours, so I’m gonna make this clear, real quick. You stay away from Luna, or next time I will fucking kill you.” I shove him backwards, his back hits the wall as the breath is knocked out of him. “Do you understand?” Mac smiles but doesn’t answer me, with my temper getting the better of me I shove my arm between his raised chin and chest, ramming my forearm against his throat. He swallows hard against it. With him pinned, I take another drag of my cigarette and blow out the smoke. “You know, when I first joined this club, I didn’t have much but at least I knew respect and I was taught honor.”

“Touching.” He answers in a strangled groan.