Page 37 of Obeying His Rules

Again, he hesitates. “Well no, you’re not, but–”

“And why can’t I ask you any questions?” I press, getting right up into his face. “And what’s with all the secrets? Is that what your rules are there for, Marlon? Are you worried you might get attached to someone? Someone like me?”

Something in his eyes flickers.

I can feel the heat radiating off of him like I’m standing next to the fireplace in his penthouse.

He looks down at me, and to my surprise, I see something that almost resembles fear behind his eyes, and that is nothing I’ve ever seen from him before.

Slowly, he reaches out and delicately brushes a piece of my hair from my face and tucks it behind my ear, causing a shiver to run through me. And then, something totally unexpected happens.

Marlon leans in slowly, like something out of a romantic Hollywood movie.

It feels as though all the lights come down in the bar, leaving us in a glowing spotlight completely by ourselves. The roar of the crowd fades out into a dull hum somewhere behind me. The only thing I can hear is the sound of my heartbeat in my ears.

He slides his rough, callused hand up the back of my neck, then threads it firmly through my hair and pulls me to him…

…and something I never expected to happen happens.

Our lips meet, and he kisses me.

It’s the most intense, passionate, emotional kiss I’ve ever experienced.

Heat sweeps over my body, enveloping me in a rapture that I’m unable to even process. I could swear I hear the strings of an orchestra fading in to accompany the moment as I give myself over to him.

Without thinking, I reach up and drape my arms over his taut, broad shoulders, giving myself over to him, not caring at all who sees us.

This is it. I broke through his walls. He’s letting me in. Soon, he’ll no longer be a mystery to me.

But then, just like that, as soon as the moment has begun, it’s over.

Marlon pulls back, slides his fingers back out of my hair, and with a single glance back at me, turns and strides quickly for the door.

A gasp slips from my lips as I strive to call after him, but no words follow.

My heart deflates, and I reach a hand out as the reality of where I am hits me like a splash of ice water to the face.

“Here are those drinks for you, miss!” the bartender says, setting down my order beside me as the roar of the bar returns, seeming suddenly ferocious in my ears, the lights blinding.

Come back, I think, watching as Marlon shoulders the door open and steps out into the night. Come back…



Brian’s been on the phone with his wife Charlotte now for at least twenty minutes. I should really go into his office and tell him to hang up and get to work, but I’m cutting him slack because I know that it’s their six-year anniversary today.

He’s smiled more on this call with her today than I’ve seen him smile in the last several months here at the office. Boy does that woman make him happy.

After a moment, I get up from my chair and stride down the hall to his office and pull open the door.

“Need you,” I say, motioning to him to follow as I exit and head back down to my office where we won’t be disturbed. I can hear him quickly end the call with his wife as I’m leaving, and just as I’m taking my seat again, he enters the room.

“Hey, boss. What’s up?”

“Why do you still call me boss, Brian?” I ask. “It’s been over five years now. Just call me Marlon, why don’t you?”

Brian takes his normal seat in front of me but looks slightly uncomfortable.