It was a work in progress, especially for Asher, but it had inspired this surprise.
Jonah: Yule log. Got it, Pretty. Chill.
Killian: Even those tiny roast potatoes, extra crunchy ones that had all that cheese on it that Asher was all for?
Asher: They’re like cheesy fries.
I grinned. Those two and their fast food.
Jonah: Got it all. We’re good to go. You’re gonna need to chill, or she’s gonna pick up on it.
Asher: Seconded. You know how in tune she is with us.
Jonah: Can’t get a thing by her.
Killian: Outside of this, you better not be trying to get anything by her.
Jonah: Relax, little puppy, there’s nothing.
That stupid-ass nickname had started up about three weeks ago and it hadn’t stopped since.
Killian: I told you to stop calling me that.
Asher: Difficult to do when you most definitely are that when it comes to her.
Jonah: LMFAO. Jeez, I just spilled some cranberry sauce, you funny fuckers.
Asher: You brought it up. Bryce is missing. He’s supposed to be out by the pool to assist with that last thing.
Jonah: He’s here in the kitchen. I needed a taste-tester for something.
Asher: Hurry it up. We have twenty minutes.
Killian: How do you know that?
Asher: How do you think?
Killian: Fuck, you’re still tracking us, surveilling us, or whatever the hell?
Asher: Always will be. Your safety above all.
All right, seeing as though I knew that was the reason now, nothing based in manipulation or his puppet mastering like it was before.
Killian: That’s how you knew I went to meet my mom before I got the chance to tell you all?
Asher: Yes.
Killian: I’m surprised you let it happen without sending a half a dozen bodyguards along.
Asher: She only still held the slight potential of being a threat.
Killian: And she disproved that completely.
Asher: Yes.
Killian: Maybe next time we do something big like this, she can be a part of it too?
Asher: There’s a strong possibility.