Page 99 of No Freaking Way

I look up and take in my dad’s focused stare. “I know this is a lot to ask you,” he says. “But I asked you because I think you could shine in this new position. Just think about it before you give me an answer.”

“Of course.” I nod once and stand up from my chair. He stands up with me. “Thanks, Dad. Seriously. It means a lot that you would ask me to cook at one of your restaurants.”

He offers a small smile and pats my shoulder. “I hope you say yes. I’d love to have both of my sons working with me.”

I can see the flash of pride in my dad’s eyes when he looks at me. It means everything to know he thinks so highly of me. Working in one of his kitchens would be an honor—and a huge career move for me.

After years of working random jobs that I never really cared about, this is the first time I’m passionate about what I’m doing.

But then I think of Tori. I think of how I’d have to move away from her if I accept this job offer from my dad.

I think about how living in two different cities would impact our relationship.

My stomach churns for the rest of the work day. I have no idea what I’m going to do.

Chapter 31


I’m in the middle of changing into my favorite matching bra and panty set when I hear a knock at my door.

I throw on my sweater and leggings and run to answer it, my stomach doing somersaults.

That’s Tyler, and tonight is the night I tell him I’m in love with him.

I can’t help the goofy smile pulling at my lips when I open the door.

“Hey!” I hug him when he walks in.

When we break apart, I see the strain in his smile instantly.

“Is everything okay?” I ask.

“Uh, yeah.” He clears his throat and looks down at the ground for a second before meeting my gaze. “My dad offered me a job as a line cook at his restaurant.”

I gasp and hug him again. “Tyler! That’s incredible! Congratulations!”

He clears his throat again. I notice he’s not hugging me tight like he normally does. His arms are barely touching me, like he isn’t at all into this hug.

“Yeah. It’s, um…it’s great.”

I break our hug and look at him. “Is something wrong?” I ask. “I thought you’d be excited to work with your dad and your brother full time.”

Tyler hesitates. A hard swallow moves along his throat. “It’s not at Se’bon. It’s, um…”

He tugs a hand through his hair. He looks like he’s struggling to get the words out for some reason.

He huffs out a breath and his shoulders fall. “He offered me a job as a line cook at the new restaurant he’s opening in Beverly Hills. He wants me to move there and start working right away.”


Beverly Hills…Los Angeles…a thousand miles away…

“I didn’t know you wanted to move to LA,” I say. My voice is weirdly pitchy, but I don’t want to sound disappointed, even though that’s exactly how I feel. Because as thrilling as it is that Tyler’s celebrity chef dad offered him a job at one of his restaurants, if he takes it, that means he’ll have to move.

Away from Denver. Away from me.

“I wasn’t planning on ever going to LA, but this would be a big career move for me.” The way his voice sounds is so weird. Almost like he’s reciting a line, like he’s not really into the idea.