Page 89 of No Freaking Way

No one holds a candle to her. She’s the most incredible person I’ve ever known and I can’t imagine ever being without her…

And that’s when the realization hits.

She’s everything to me. My best friend, my girlfriend, the person I want to see every single day…literally everything.

I clear my throat as that intensity inside of me bubbles up my chest.

I love her.

A server stops by and clears our empty glasses, leaving behind a pitcher of water and glasses. I fill a glass and down it in a few gulps.

My entire body is buzzing as I think about just how much I love Tori.

Gage elbows me again.

“Aww look at that smile,” he teases. “So damn smitten.”

I know he’s joking. But I’m not. He’s right.

I grin. “I am.”

Chapter 28


By the time we stumble back to the hotel, it’s the middle of the night and two hours past when Tori texted me.

But corralling four drunk hockey players and my brother was harder than I thought it would be. Declan and Austin offered to help me, but I told them that I had it under control and they could take off. I could tell they were eager to get home to check on their puppy after being gone all night.

Getting everyone out of the bar at the same time took half an hour. Dylan ended up puking in the bathroom while Isaac had fallen asleep at the table. And Xander kept stopping to chat up women and get their phone numbers.

Then when we finally made it out, Theo and Gage wanted hot dogs from a street vendor we spotted on the way back to the hotel.

Thankfully that snack sobered up Theo enough that he could help me gather everyone and get them to the hotel.

I open the door to the penthouse suite and pull Gage inside with me. I set him on the nearby armchair while Theo walks in with Xander leaning against him.

Gage slumps over in the chair, giving me a chance to run over and help Theo’s other two teammates. They’re both sitting on the floor outside the hotel door, their backs against the wall, eyes closed.

“What the…” I look between the two of them. “They were just standing a second ago.”

“Those two power off like they’re battery-charged,” Theo says from the living room. He drops Xander on the couch.

He walks over and together we bring Dylan and Isaac inside.

Dylan mumbles that he doesn’t feel so good, so Theo walks him to the small bathroom off to the side. There’s a thud and the clank of porcelain, then a retching sound.

Theo winces as he stands in the doorway and peers down at Dylan.

“You can’t handle your alcohol like you used to,” Theo says. “Dad life really took a toll on you, man.”

Dylan makes a disgruntled sound. “Hey, I can still go hard.”

A second later Dylan retches, and I hold back a laugh. I walk Isaac to one of the bedrooms. He’s snoring even before I drop him onto the bed.

When I walk back into the main part of the suite, I see Theo looking at Xander, who’s now lying down on the couch, asleep.

“There’s a second bed in that guest bedroom.” I point to the door I just walked out of.