Page 86 of No Freaking Way

I start to smile, pumped at the idea. “You sure the internet could handle that? Two ridiculously good-looking brothers cooking together? The universe would explode.”

He laughs.

“So what’s the plan for tonight?” Xander, Theo’s teammate asks.

Theo glances over at me. “Ask Tyler. He’s in charge.”

Since this is a joint bachelor party, we decided to divide up planning it. Xander is Theo’s best man, so he planned the party during the day. And since I’m Gage’s best man, I offered to plan the evening.

I grin at them. “It’s a surprise.”

“More spa stuff?” Theo jokes.

I laugh. “Nope.”

“Woo! Take it off!” the woman standing next to me yells.

“Yeah, Theo!” I yell, my phone aimed at him as I record. “Give the lady what she wants! Take it off!”

Theo stands on the bartop, grinning as the crowd of tipsy pub patrons cheer him on.

This is the fifth bar we’ve hit up so far, and things are getting wild.

My big surprise was renting the penthouse suite of the Four Seasons in downtown Denver so we could do a bar crawl without having to worry about securing rides at the end of the night. This way, we could all get wasted and then stumble back to the hotel.

I didn’t think tonight’s bar crawl would end up in an impromptu strip show though.

I laugh while watching Theo ham it up in front of the crowd.

He tugs at the hem of the long-sleeve button-up shirt he’s wearing. “You want this off?” he hollers.

“Yeah!” the crowd shouts back.

He laughs before holding up a hand. “Alright.”

More cheering, and then the bar starts to chant, “Take it off! Take it off! Take it off!”

Theo’s face starts to turn red, but I can tell by his confident grin and his tall posture that he’s into this.

When he starts to unbutton his shirt, a deafening scream echoes through the pub.

Just then a horn blares. Everyone shrieks and covers their ears. I almost drop my phone, it’s so damn loud.

One of the bartenders is holding an air horn, frowning up at Theo.

“Off the bartop. Now!” she shouts.

Theo shrugs, that cocky grin still on his face. He straightens his shirt, hops off, and walks over to me. When he sees that I’ve been filming him, he laughs.

“You got all that?” he asks.

“You bet I did.” I text the video to everyone in our wedding group chat.

Maya, your future husband missed his calling. He would have made a fantastic male stripper.

Theo cackles when he reads the text on his phone.

I look up and see Gage making his way through the crowd to us, a drink in each hand. Our cousin Austin and his husband Declan follow behind him. Gage hands one of the drinks to Theo and shakes his head.