Page 82 of No Freaking Way

She flashes her signature sweet smile, but that look in her bright blue eyes is knowing.

She nods. “You’ve got that ‘I’m blissfully in love’ smile plastered on your face.”

I still when she says it.


That’s not a word I’ve thought about in a long time.

I think about my exes. I know I wasn’t in love with all of them.

I was in love with Robbie. Despite all the problems we had, I cared about him deeply. I lived to make him happy. For a long time, I pictured sharing my life with him.

But this relationship with Tyler feels different. And not just because I’m having the best sex of my life.

My mind wanders back to the past handful of nights that we’ve spent together, of the filthy things we’ve gotten up to, of how I’ve lost count of the number of orgasms I’ve had.

I clear my throat and start to scold myself for automatically thinking of sex.

But then I realize that it’s okay for me to focus on sex. Because it shows just how good our relationship is—how amazing Tyler is.

He listens to me, to what I like and don’t like. My pleasure is his priority. It turns him on to get me off.

And that says a lot about him as a person—and a boyfriend. He’s thoughtful, attentive, kind, and sweet. He thinks about what I want often. He loves cooking me my favorite meals. He packs me lunches to take to work with me. He’s stocked a section in his bathroom cabinet with my toiletries for when I stay over at his place. And he surprised me with a weighted blanket at his place because I have one at my apartment and wants me to feel comfortable and at home when I’m staying with him.

He texts me multiple times a day, every day. He texts me just to say hi or send me a funny meme or silly joke, or to tell me that he misses me and can’t wait to fuck my brains out when he sees me.

Tingles flash up and down my chest. Just thinking about Tyler makes my heart skip.

I can feel myself falling for him, hard.

I look up at Becca, who’s looking at me expectantly.


The word dances on the tip of my tongue. But my nerves get the best of me.

I smile at her. “Tyler’s amazing. I like him a lot.”

My best friend doesn’t goad me or give me a hard time about not saying the “L” word. She just gives me that sweet, warm smile in response. And that’s why I love her. Becca is kind and sensitive enough to know that I don’t like being pushed when it comes to relationship stuff.

“I’m so happy for you, Tori.”

She steps over to me and takes a deep breath. “Hey, I wanna talk to you about something.”

“Sure. Is everything okay?” I ask. She sounds kind of nervous.

“Yeah, everything is great actually. That’s actually why I want to talk to you.”

She motions for us to sit at a small, two-person table in the lobby of Sweet Cheeks. I follow her and together we sit down.

She fiddles with the sleeve of the knit sweater she’s wearing before taking another breath and looking me in the eye.

“I want to expand Sweet Cheeks,” she finally says.

“Really? That’s awesome, Bec. Congratulations.”

She grins wide. “Thanks. It is. Business has been booming this past year. Profits have exceeded expectations. We’re shipping ice cream all over the country. Multiple restaurants here in Denver are carrying our flavors. We have a full-time staff now. I honestly can’t believe it. We’ve come such a long way from the struggling ice cream shop we used to be just a couple of years ago.”