Page 75 of No Freaking Way

I grin at the way she’s put it. It’s so simple, so perfect.

I kiss her for what feels like minutes. We’re groping at each other, our mouths getting filthier by the second. She reaches down to unbutton my pants right as the smoke alarm blares.

We jolt apart, and that’s when I notice the smoke coming out of the oven.

“Crap, the bacon,” I say as I grab a kitchen towel.

Tori hops off the counter, grabs a chair, and sets it under the smoke alarm, which is right outside of the kitchen. She turns off the smoke alarm, then hops off the chair, runs to the other side of the apartment, and opens the windows.

I turn off the oven and pull out the tray of charred bacon. I set it on the stove and throw open the window by the kitchen sink.

For a minute, the two of us grab pillows and wave the smoke out of the house. When we look at each other, we laugh.

We drop the pillows on the couch. I walk over to her and pull her against me. She moves to kiss me, but I playfully pull away.

“The last time we did that, I almost set your kitchen on fire.”

She laughs.

I tuck her hair behind her ear. “Breakfast first, then sex. Sound good?”

She smiles. “Sounds perfect.”

Chapter 23


“Tyler! Wake up! Look at this!”

Tori shoves my arm, waking me from a dead sleep on her couch.

“Tyler, you have to see this!”

I force open my eyes and groan. I passed out hard after devouring that breakfast sandwich and fooling around with Tori on her couch.

When my vision finally focuses, I see Tori holding her phone in my face.

I squint and make out the image of the Instagram page for @thesandwichguy. It’s a few seconds before I notice the follower count. Fifteen thousand.

My eyes go wide as I shoot up into a sitting position on the couch.

I hold Tori’s phone in my hand and stare at the number.


“Holy shit…” I mumble.

I twist my head to look at her sitting next to me on her couch, a giddy smile on her face.

“Fifteen thousand followers! Tyler, that’s amazing!”

I shake my head in disbelief. This account is just over a month old. I’ve been posting often, like five videos a week, and getting a positive response from people. A few thousand views on each video, lots of positive comments, lots of people sharing my videos in their stories.

This past week I’ve been busy with work and helping my brother with wedding stuff. I posted a bunch of videos that I had saved in “drafts,” but I haven’t had time to go back and see how they’ve been performing.

One of my videos must have blown up.

I tap on my reels and see my most recent video has almost a hundred thousand views.