Page 70 of No Freaking Way

I take a breath before speaking.

“It’s just…I had a weird flashback to being with my ex just now.” I press my eyes shut and shake my head. “I know that probably is the last thing you want to hear…”

“I want you to be honest with me, Tori. Thank you for telling me that,” he says, his voice soft, his tone gentle.

He hugs me tight. “I don’t ever want you to feel like you have to hide anything from me. Okay?”

I snuggle closer into his chest. “Okay.”

I wrap my arms tight around him. “I’m cold,” I whisper.

“Let’s get back under the covers.”

He helps me under the comforter before joining me. He hugs me into him, and I rest my head on his chest. Every muscle in my body relaxes.

“I did that position with Robbie,” I say after a long quiet moment. “One time I was so fixated on trying to have an orgasm that I just psyched myself out. I told him I couldn’t get there and to just focus on himself, and he did. But then when he finished, I could tell he was upset with me. And then he said, ‘Sometimes I wonder if your body is broken’…”

I try to swallow through the tightness in my chest.

“I can’t believe my annoying brain chose that moment to relive it, but…”

He hugs me tight and kisses my forehead. “It’s all okay. Sometimes our brains are assholes.”

I chuckle at the simple way Tyler has put it.

“I guess you’re right,” I say.

“You know, one time I was in the middle of a hook-up in college and all of a sudden an image of the elderly librarian flashed in my brain.”

I peer up at him. “Oh no…”

He winces. “Yeah. It was totally random. I had zero clue why. My brain just wanted to be an asshole. Anyway, it pretty much ruined the moment. I had to stop and couldn’t finish. That was awkward as fuck.”

I chuckle, feeling lighter. “Yikes.”

“I know that’s not the same as what you went through,” he says. “Sorry, I wasn’t trying to make a comparison…”

I gently squeeze his arm and smile at him. “It’s okay. Thanks for telling me about your own awkward sexual experience. It makes me feel better honestly. In my head, I just assume you were always a sex god.”

He chuckles. “What are you talking about? I definitely was.”

We both laugh. After a second, he kisses my forehead. Then he leans back, rests his hand under my chin, and tilts my face to look at him. “You’re not broken, Tori.”

I take in the flash of intensity in his eyes, the firmness in his tone when he says those words.

I believe him.

“I know I’m not,” I say.

A small smile appears on his handsome face.

I kiss him. When I pull away, I run my fingers along the sharp ridge of his jaw.

I think about how Tyler mentioned last night that he’s been with women before who have had trouble having an orgasm and how he helped them get past it.

I wondered how in the world he was able to do that. Yeah, he’s hot. And yeah, I know now he’s dynamite in bed.

But helping someone have an orgasm when it feels impossible to them is a major task, no matter how attractive you are or how good you are in bed.